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Here's a random comic page I drew, mainly for the sake of getting some kind of comic done.

With that in mind, I want to apologize for the lack of updates. It's not for a lack of trying, though. I've been working on writing comic stories for the past 5-6 weeks, but despite draft after draft and draft, nothing has come to fruition. Not even Revo-Revolution chapters. I can't work on drawing comics if I don't have a finished story to draw from.

I think it's fair to say that, for the time being, I'm in a real slump. I don't know exactly  what it is, though. Perhaps it's burnout. Maybe I've set the bar to high for myself, one that I can't reach. It could be something else going on with me that I'm not to sure of. All I know is that I can't seem to get any comics done (other than the one random page above), or anything really. Even smaller projects I'm having trouble with.

For now, I may have to take some time off. While that pushes everything back even further than they have been, it might be necessary to help clear my mind of whatever block has been obscuring my ability to create. I promise not to be gone too long.




Aye take ur time burnouts suck tbh ur stuffs real good even worth the wait


fresh eyes helps alot. I took a long break from my career in technology and came back better than ever. good luck on your soul searching and recovery.

Third Eye

Bitch take all the time you need. We love you and want to see you at the top where you belong!