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I might need to make more changes to how my Patreon/pledges work. I know that I've made a lot of changes as this all has webt along, but I really don't know how to properly run one. One of my main ideas is changes it from a "Monthly Based" system to a "Post Based" system. With that, I only get monwy from you guys for every post I make. Also, I may have to change how pledges work, and maybe even delete some of the other pledges. Honestly, though, I kinda wish that you all would just stop pledging. Without anyone giving me money, I wouldn't have to worry about how my $10 is being used and what work should go into it. I feel like I'm constantly ripping you guys off, and I don’t want that at all. Keep supporting me, I guess, but I need to figure all of this shit out before I go and experiment with your hard earned dollars. Here's to the future, though.



Hopefully you figure out what you want to do with Patreon o/


I like your art A LOT so my money's def not being wasted at all.