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Here's a recap of what we did last month!

Right after the winter break, we had our first shoot of the year. We're looking forward to sharing these episodes with you. They're a mix of old and new movies, with some special guests sprinkled in. Like really special. Did you see the Patreon post about Pixar guests!? Here's an emoji clue of one of the episodes from the January shoot: 😈 👠

We're shooting more frequently this year, so we jumped right into prep for the next shoot. It's still early stages, but so far we've got a great lineup coming together. And yes, there's a Ghibli on the list. We must continue our Ghiblification!

We announced Cinema Therapy Studios! The gist is that we want to make a short film every year with our Patrons - you get to be our Studio Executives! In case you missed it, you can check out all the details here. More to come soon!

We started planning a live show we can take on the road! So far, we've done fan conventions, and while they're super fun, there are some cons (ha, get it?) to them. So we're hoping to come up with a Cinema Therapy experience we can bring to you. Stay tuned!

Gandalf the Set Dog doing important work. 

Here's a sneak peek of what's coming next!

February will be a heavy shoot prep month. Not a lot to report there, but watching movies for work is awesome!

Our first fan convention of the year! We're headed to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con at the very end of the month. Keep an eye on our social media for more details. Will you be there?

How was your month? What are you looking forward to next month?




I watched Godzilla Minus One Minus Color! OMG! It was scarier that Godzilla minus one! A high recommend! If you loved Godzilla Minus One, I think you will enjoy Minus One Minus Color!


Omg, I'm going to ECCC! I would love it so much if I could see you guys! I'm in grad school, and I promised myself I would take a couple of days off to go to con, so I'll work my schedule around the meetup! The emojis make me think Devil Wears Prada? 🤔 My month has been good but very busy, as I am working on my capstone project, a separate but related project, and my two other classes. 😮‍💨 I'm really looking forward to doing interviews for my capstone next month!