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How do you move past avoidance and face difficult things?

In this Patreon-exclusive episode, licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright take a look at Aang’s journey from child to mature hero and Avatar. They focus on Aang learning to face difficult things rather than avoiding them, how he gets over his feelings of unworthiness, and how he grows into his power and role as Avatar. Jonathan and Alan share how they can relate to Aang… not being the Avatar, but the avoidance and unworthiness. And Alan nerds out about the impeccable sound design of the show. Did you notice how good it is!?

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Cinema Therapy is:
Written by: Megan Seawright, Jonathan Decker, and Alan Seawright
Produced by: Jonathan Decker, Megan Seawright, Alan Seawright, and Corinne Demyanovich
Edited by: Emily Colton
Director of Photography: Bradley Olsen
English Transcription by: Anna Preis

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A double ATLA drop in one week? Omg I could not be happier right now!


Thank you so much CT :D


"This is what you're paying for" worth every penny



Mary Ribotto

I've just always loved the look on Aang's face when Toph gets in his face and tells him to Earthbend. Bro was shook.


Well I finally got my CT membership just in time. And here I didn't think I could be happier to be here.

Lance Carmack

You can't imagine how much this show and its sequel meant to me growing up, not only is it a great and entertaining show, but it has so many positive life lessons and role models (looking at you Iroh). I loved this as a kid, and I loved being able to introduce it to my wife and re-experience it with her.


❤️ Thanks for diving into ATLA! 😊 Commenting here to also request an episode on Uncle Iroh 🫖


Aang right after Zuko?? T-T I'm so happy I could cry. Thank you, CT!! Time to watch these over and over The edit of all ATLA fans foaming at the mouth for these is too real lol


This is *so* good. Man, this week you guys have hit me with some powerful stuff. The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety it's connection. Damn. I'm gonna have to spend some time pondering 🤔 now.


aang gang <3


So glad you did this! thank you!


been thinking about joining the CT membership for a while and this episode finally made me do it :)


Aang Gang 2023 yo!!! So thrilled you guys love ATLA as much as we do. It really is a treat to rewatch and find more hidden details you missed the first time around! Thank you for the gifts of these back-to-back ATLA episodes too. ✨


Another A:TLA episode from Cinema Therapy? The hits just keep on coming, don't they? Since you've done Zuko & Aang, why not cover the rest of Team Avatar? I know Toph has some good material for you to cover as well as Sokka and perhaps Katara as well. I hope you two continue to spread the good word of Avatar and dive further into the series, yes even through Korra. Though, I DARE you to take on Shyamalan's The Last Airbender


The clip of the bromance song SENT ME that song is a core memory


Therapist: Avatar Caillou doesn't exist. Avatar Caillou:


Dang we're getting spoiled! <3


If you ever decide to do an episode on "The Legend of Korra," I would love one on Tenzin and struggling to live up to parental expectations. Aang expected him to build the airbender culture back up from scratch, to the point of "favoring" (depending on who you ask) Tenzin over his brother and sister. Talk about a heavy burden!

Kathleen O'Sullivan-Cook

Always the best! But what about his after story arc through his life? I feel like you could definitely do a part II for Aang with the rest of the material.


In response to the question you asked in the beginning. “I run from connection. And assuming there is a connection I typically avoid embracing . Because I’m afraid of being shamed and shut down.


The name of the plinky instrument at the end is a kalimba (otherwise known as a thumb piano) 😉


I can't stop shaking because of excitement. Avatar was the best part of my childhood and you just made that episode for us. Best day ever.


AANG GANG!! I haven't watched this is forever and I'm definitely going to be rewatching it soon.


One interpretation of the ending I really like is that the wisdom Aang received from those many sources were correct: Aang, personally, would have been fine killing Ozai. He would have eventually been able to forgive himself for taking a life in the name of justice and peace. But what Aang was truly afraid of was that by abandoning the beliefs of his people for his duty as the Avatar, then the Air Nomads would truly be gone from the world. He is not only the Avatar, but the Last Airbender. And by finding a way to end the war without killing, he ensured that he could keep the spirit of the airbenders alive for the next generation.


This is the only series that could have made me get on Patreon


Can not thank you guys enough for doing multiple ATLA episodes, it is no surprise that this show resonates with so many people and sticks with us even as adults. I grew up watching this show and as a kid I, like many of my friends, thought Aang was annoying and a "weak" character for not wanting to kill Ozai. Upon re-watch as an adult, after many years of therapy and confronting my own c-ptsd, I finally understood that Aang was the strongest character of all. The fact that he was able to remain true to himself and his morals despite insurmountable circumstances is a great reminder to all of us that no situation is worth losing ourselves for. Even if it may seem selfish, the most important person in your life is always you. #AangGang


I imagine the patreon has gone up an impressive percentage today.

Opal Evergreen

AANG GANG! And I loved this show Zuko's arc is my absolute favorite. Toph was my favorite character overall, though. I love her sense of humor


I have loved this show since the very beginning at age 14. An entire year of my life was spent walking the track at high school during P.E. geeking out over ATLA. The one thing I wish they'd touched on was how well done the musical themes were. Just hearing the music can transport me back to 2005. And well up with tears.


If there's a way to show you my family Halloween pictures from 2020. I dressed my entire family in Wang Fire, Sapphire Fire, Kuzon Fire, and avatar Aang. I was an 8-month pregnant woman pretending to be a teenager pretending to be a pregnant woman. My favorite costume ever!


What's great about this show is you could do an episode on pretty much every character. Sokka, Katara, Iroh, Azula, and Toph are all worthy of their own deep dives and the way all their arcs intersect with eachother is just masterful storytelling. AANG GANG


Okay, its my frist day as patreo, and its already SO WORTH IT!!! Thank you so much!! I have a question: Alan isnt a big fan of exposition (which I understand, show not tell), but is the exposition that Katara does, well implemented? I mean… she isnt sitting there just telling you stuff that you dont need to know, thats obvious or that isnt needed for the plot…


Just gonna say since you are already doing avatar episodes, both an Irish and his wisdom episode and an Azula devolving into madness episode. Also maybe a Sokka growing into his leadership role episode too.


Aang Gang<3


aang gang


AANG GANG!! I would LOVE to see more ATLA videos from you guys! I think Katara's experiences with grief or a video with a woman guest star talking about Sokka's misogyny might be delightful. (I think Sokka's growth from the misogyny he starts with + WHY he starts with it in the first place is an underrated aspect of the show). Or perhaps an ATLA relationships rating might be neat, I think the quality of the relationships in this show vary wildly and it'd be fun to see your takes on them!!


Yay!!!! Would love to hear more of your thoughts on Avatar. Maybe Iroh. Maybe King Boomy? That’d be a quicker one for you. Ba Sing Se?


Aang Gang always. This show aired at a time when I was first getting into anime, and this along with Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood, not the original) are ones that I will go back and rewatch time and time again. I would love to see you guys do an episode on Edward Elric (it’s “only” 52 episodes long~)



Tobias Haase

Just subscribed because of this video. Awesome, great conversations, thoughts and ideas. Amazing what you do (the whole team). #AangGang


Love avatar. And love the *kalimba* music (I fully acknowledge that the editor already corrected in post ;) ). Just everything is. *chef’s kiss*


You could honestly make an episode about every single character in this show and I would watch ALL of it! Love your Sokka episode idea!


I think a big part of Aang not wanting to kill firelord Ozai is also the fact that none of his people are alive anymore. He is the last living airbender and keeping the cultural values of his heritage going by staying a pacifist seems like a really big duty to him. Maybe that is also related to his survivor's guilt. Oh and AangGaang. Loved this video so much, atla means a lot to me so thank you for this contenct, I really appreciate it x


Aang gang! Please do Iroh. I lost my father when I was young. Iroh has been instrumental to the development of much of my healthy masculinity.

Quinn Anne ASMR

At 35 I say that I'm finally in my rebellious teenage phase. I am so so pumped about getting 2 ATLA videos right in a row!!! 💜


Aang Gang. One of the best TV series out there. Hands down.


It’s actually BoomerAang guys😂


I can't believe Alan made it through the whole thing without crying 😆


Loved this episode! Would love to see more ATLA content!!


Aang gang! I’ve been wanting this since I saw y’all’s first video and then became a patron. I thought it would never happen. You surprised me. thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was lucky enough to grow up on this show. It’s an, if you know, you know kind of show. Thank you for this and the Zuko episode. I’m looking forward to the IROH episode! Much love ❤️


I just rewatched this show and man is it still incredible! I was disappointed with Legend of Korra


Psychology of a hero for zuko would be amazing as well!! Love everything about everything now that you're putting out avatar episodes 🤗


I was one of those kids lucky to grow up with ATLA and these days i was doing a rewatch so yall can imagine the surprise when you uploaded these videos! Thank you for watching it, it is still until today my favorite animated story. There isnt one bad or lazy written character in the show, I hope to see more avatar content in the future <3 ps: uncle Iroh is that one family member everyone wish they had XD


Aang gang, can’t wait for the Iroh episode 👍🏻

Blitz Cam

I've continued to watch this show at least once a year ever since it came out on TV. Definitely a top 3 show for me, and favorite American cartoon, that got me into anime. (Yes it technically isn't anime, but I find it compares a lot more to anime than other western animation shows, so I do consider it as the show that got me into anime.) There of course are other scenes of Aang and loss, notably when he lost Appa. Just a bit disappointed it wasn't talked about here, but I know there's too many good scenes throughout the series, so not everything important to character development can be mentioned in a single video. Putting it simply since Aang does blame himself for other things like when he found that the other Airbenders all were killed, and that he couldn't help, or at least try to. But with Appa he trusted Toph to watch over Appa, and then blames himself as well for not being there to always protect Appa, because Appa is his closest friend, and also is the one single connection Aang has to the past airbenders. (Momo too, but not as much since Aang didn't grow up with Momo as a younger kid.) But anyways when Aang blames Toph he then leaves the group, which my take on it is that he then no longer felt like he could trust his 'friends' with what's most important to him, his connection with others. And he didn't accept Toph's apology, even though she could see how much he was hurting, (despite her being blind. Had to throw in a blind joke for Toph since she always makes those jokes :) ) So yeah Aang later almost completely loses it again, but Katara brings him back from the rage he showed to the Sand-benders. Then on the Serpent's Pass when it's introduced as they read the sign, it says 'Abandon Hope'. The women says 'How can we abandon hope, when it's all we have.' Then Aang replies, 'Maybe we do need to abandon it. ' [Quotes some monk phrase], then says something like, 'Hope won't get us through this pass, and it won't help us find Appa.' And overnight it shows how Aang didn't want to feel anything so he wouldn't feel the pain of loss. I think at this point he might've been able to control the Avatar state perfectly since he felt like he couldn't trust in hope, and as Katara is all about hope, he didn't feel any form of connection with Katara over these episodes, as well as the others, maybe a bit in Ba Sing Se, but it might've not come back to him to want to trust his friends again until he was reunited with Appa. Just a thought I had right now. Thanks for the channel, I've watched the videos for quite a bit now on YouTube, had thoughts about joining Patreon, but with ATLA released on Patreon, well here I am, lol. Side note, I got other people to think about how movies and therapy kinda mix by showing them the channel and especially the Brother Bear video.

Blitz Cam

Also, I have to comment on Azula. I think each character in ATLA could honestly have their own therapy video(Toph, Iroh, Katara, Jet, maybe just an episode covering the Ba Sing Se Adventures, or maybe even the cabbage guy and his PTSD from the destruction of green vegetables lol.) But Azula is one character that I think is labeled as crazy, but I think there's definitely more to her character than just that. I'll start with, we don't have many Azula focused episodes, where the ones with her and just mainly her, she becomes psychotic. I think she is a perfectionist. First scene of her she is seen bending lightning extremely well but says, 'Almost isn't good enough', when faced with little criticism, and continues to try again. This perfectionism is likely a result from her father Ozai requiring perfection from her, as the next firelord, since she knows Ozai doesn't respect Zuko nor believe he is capable of becoming firelord. So Ozai was Azula's role model where Zuko had his mom to help him through childhood. I think their mom chose to help Zuko while in a way not paying attention to Azula because the mom knew Zuko would get no support otherwise. But then in other scenes the mom says referring to Azula, 'What is wrong with that child?' which to me also shows that either the mom is unaware that Ozai is leading her down the wrong direction, but that the mom is also clueless that Azula needs more support from her mom so that she doesn't become like Ozai. And when the mom pulls Azula aside in what seems to be an angry discussion, Azula is not receiving any positive encouragement from her mom, only negative encouragement which likely connects her closer with her dad Ozai, and rejects her mom in the process forcefully. Yet she does still want the love from her mother, as seen in the 'Mirror episode' where she goes insane by hallucinating her mom being there as the one person trying to give support after she's felt betrayed by two close friends, Mai and Ty Lee. I also believe that Azula does indeed care for Zuko, and when she goes to try and capture him as well as the Avatar, I do think she still loves Zuko as a brother, and also doesn't wish to bring Aang or his group pain. Lemme explain. Azula recognizes that Ozai does not respect Zuko, and so she wants to have his attention as the last fire nation royalty there. But then Ozai sends people to capture Zuko because he labeled Zuko a traitor to the nation for not finding the Avatar, thus giving Zuko more attention than Azula, and only gives Azula attention then(as far as we see), to go and retrieve Zuko, putting not the attention on Azula, but rather on her action of retrieving Zuko that would get Ozai's attention where Azula may get some recognition. When Azula first met up with Zuko after, she tells him that Ozai regrets his banishment and wants him home, lying, WHILE she is looking away from Zuko. She has been shown to lie in other scenes, (ex: 'I'm a flying 280 pound pig with purple horns. or something like that.) but there she said it directly to others faces not caring about the lie. But in the scene with Zuko, when Iroh interrupts her, she shouts, 'Don't interrupt uncle.' I think in this scene she was basically saying I don't want you Iroh to take Zuko away from me and the family. Since I think Azula just wants life to go back to the good times they had as kids, since like Zuko, I think Azula lost her childhood when her mom and Zuko left. And as for Aang and his group, when they all cornered Azula with Zuko and Iroh as well, Azula chose to shoot Iroh with lightning, after considering everyone. Why? Because she wants Zuko for herself but knows Iroh is keeping Zuko away from her, and even Iroh claims 'She's crazy and needs to go down.' Then later, Azula shot Aang with lightning and then gave Zuko the credit for 'killing the Avatar' because she wanted to reunite what was left of the family back in the fire nation, which she did do even if you also consider Iroh to be in prison. Striking the Avatar here I think was the only way Azula saw to bring back her family but maybe she was willing to kill this one person to do that. (Maybe I could find ways Azula doesn't want to harm the Aang group, but as that group directly conflicts with her father and since she wants her father's attention most of all, that may be the sole reason she continues to hunt the Avatar.) Aang had Katara to pull him back from causing mass destruction in the Avatar state, Zuko had Iroh to help guide him to another path that didn't lead only to support Ozai and the ruthless fire nation, Katara had Aang and Zuko to help her realize that revenge does not need to result from innocent death, and forgiveness is also a option. Azula had a mom taken from her, a brother banished from her, friends that left her side, and the only one left for her to look up to in the finale is her father Ozai, that doesn't care much about her, and instead only her perfection as royalty and being his next successor to the throne. And then Ozai decides to go into the final battle without her, leaving her the throne. But Azula being a perfectionist, needs the day to be perfect, but her perfection in the moment as she was betrayed by her friends, and only wanting herself and Ozai now since Zuko joined the Avatar to physically oppose her, is to only have the fire nation for her, and her father, Ozai. So she banishes everyone. Then the mirror scene, where she breaks down, and when she finally faces Zuko and Katara, she unleashes lightning at Katara because she wants Zuko to feel the same trauma she went through, since Zuko cares for Katara, and attempts to kill Katara, but Zuko sacrifices himself. Then later when Azula loses, chained up by Katara, she completely breaks down, mentally and physically, knowing that she could not live up to the perfection her father Ozai wanted. I'm not sure how much Azula still cares for Zuko in the end when she knows he will be fire-lord. I'm sure she feels humiliated trying all her life to be perfect doing everything according to the plan her father laid out for her to become the next to the throne, to then be taken away from her, from her brother who was given compassion she never received from Ozai or her mom, nor anyone else in the fire nation except maybe her friends, until they left. (Have to point out though, her friends weren't really friends but Azula thinks that they were friends, but really they were just terrified of her so they stuck with her out of fear.) I don't believe Azula is shown after the breakdown scene, so it'd be hard to know for sure. (I wanted to try writing all this from my best take on Azula's perspective on her life. Turned out kinda long. Well to anyone that read it, hope you enjoy this show, and for any future rewatch. I've watched it so many times, I was just writing this all based on memory so maybe missed some things, but I feel I covered what I wanted to with Azula's character. There are so many good characters in this show, that's what makes it my favorite American cartoon.)

Blitz Cam

To quote another show, 'A true warrior needs no sword.' ... if you ever decide to therapy review Vinland Saga (it's an anime show so because it's longer idk), but it would be an amazing discussion I think.


i would love to see a villain therapy on Azula, because I think it would be nice to look at her with the perspective that she is, in fact, a 14 year old girl who was also in an abusive household (even being the favorite can cause some psychological damage)

Blitz Cam

Yeah, if Sokka was misogynistic, he changed enough as a character over the show to longer be that, at least I'd argue that. I think simple answer for why he may have been misogynistic, if we want to use that as a label, is because his dad wasn't there for him as a kid. I'll leave it at that, could be interesting discussion.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but talking about the music at the end, iirc that's a Kalimba, it's a thumb piano from Africa, it's got that beautiful soft sound like a xylophone :)


Aang Gang never say die! Wait, that's not right. :P Super excited to see this episode and the villain therapy on Zuko was fantastic as well. Really hoping to see more on the rest of the gang, or even my favourite character Iroh. :D


Thank you so much for finally doing ATLA!! And loved the mention of Princess Mononoke in there, would love an episode on that someday!


I would love to see a video on Iroh and one on Azula (especially looking for this) if you are able and willing!


Personally, the greatest series of all time, period. Honestly a deep dive into any of the main characters would be interesting. Zuko, Aang, Iroh, Azula, the #AangGang, a (romantic) relationship ranking or even any kind of relationship-dynamic deep dive between the characters; the fire nation royal family, Iroh-Zuko family/mentor-mentee, Aang-Zuko's friendship, Katara-Sokka siblinghood etc.


This episode was my breaking point to getting at least month of patreon :D I must defend prequel jedi here a bit :D There are many reasons why they avoid attachments most important one is how force works. Jedi are sensitive to force but also to dark side and they are constantly tempted by dark side to use and to achieve their goals. Jedi can have feelings and since they to some degree get their power from care and compassion to other people they should. But if they have one person who is much more important to them than others this person becomes more important than others and if they can't protect this person it's much harder to resist that temptation to get power which allowes they to do that. Also they can't make clear decision many people will let three people die to save the one they love, jedi shouldn't, jedi also should know that letting themselves fall to dark side will make them hurt more people than it helpes them to save. I'd say this is even message of prequels, lucas said himself that anakin's inability to let go and him no listening to the jedi is reason for his fall. I also love how clone wars show difference between him and obi-wan. Obi-wan unlike anakin never considered trying to have it all. Sorry for too long text not really realated to ATLA :D


I like your analysis of Azula quite a lot and I think you really touched on some great points! But I'd argue that Azula just straight up never had to feel vulnerable or in a position of pain in her entire life UNTIL she realized that what guided her life, power and the fear others had for her power, wasn't enough to bend people's will or to even protect herself. Prior to her friends betraying her, she lived up to everyone's expectations without even trying. She had no reason to ever feel real emotional pain of want because her friends, subjects, or father all gave in to her every whim because she surpassed what was expected of her by her family and culture. Her power was her comfort and fear was how she exerted that power. But the moment she sees Mai stand up to that power knowing that it meant certain death for her only to then be rendered physically powerless by Ty Lee, it was something that she couldn't comprehend. She couldn't understand how someone that she trusted so closely could completely betray her despite all the power she had. It proved to her that fear and power weren't fool-proof and that others could stand up to it if they had someone or something they cared about enough to face literal death to protect. She had nothing after that point. She didn't believe in anything except for the acquisition of power. And now that it's been made clear that power won't be able to give her everything, it makes her unravel and it makes her ask herself what she even wants to begin with (much like Zuko's own transformation!). I interpret the mirror hallucination as her realizing that what she wanted was acceptance without having to prove anyone anything. And the only person that she ever saw act that way was her mother. But not towards her. Towards her brother. The same brother she had considered weak, pathetic, and useless her entire life. He's always had what she had to work so hard for just to feel a pale imitation of: love. The only thing that made Mai and Ty Lee stand up against her. And now that she could feel her own father begin to doubt her for the very first time in her life, she realized that his own love was conditional. That should she ever make a single mistake, she would lose the only human connection she had left. I'm sure she knew this before, but she never had any trouble meeting his standards prior to this. To then be told that she would not stand by her father's side as an equal, it worked to confirm that he didn't view her as worthy of his love. She really had no one. During the Agni Kai, she knew that she couldn't beat Zuko. She doubted the very thing that gave her her strength and made her aim for perfection. So, she went after Katara. Someone who was a literal peasant, who she probably never even thought about outside of that moment, who was so beneath her that even in her unhinged state, she was sure she could beat. To be just completely incapacitated by her, it must have been as humiliating for her as it was validating that everything that she worked for was for nothing. It's literally her worst fear come true. If she can't beat a simple peasant, what good was she? In the graphic novels, you see more of how she grapples with her intense self-loathing and how she's unwilling to accept the power of love. But I won't spoil it! Sorry for the long reply! I have a lot of opinions on Azula and I feel that she would make a wonderful character study for someone looking at how to write a compelling, antagonistic perfectionist.


Love love LOVE this so much! Avatar kicks so much ass both literally and figuratively! And this vid was such a treat. As an annoying Avatar fan, I feel like I have to point out that Aang uses seismic sense, an Earthbending technique developed by Toph, to beat Ozai. And he does this after calling him weak. He used what he learned from a blind, 11 year old girl to subdue a literal fascist with the power to control fire after calling him weak! The writing is so layered!! It's sooo good!!!


I would also absolutely love to see an episode of villain therapy on Azula, and I agree with a lot of what you point out. However, I disagree that she doesn't want to cause pain to Zuko or the group. She shows so many signs of Narcissism, and probably some psychopathic elements of Anti-Social Personality; her default way of connecting with people is wielding power over them, controlling them with fear. It's most likely just how she observed her father and grandfather in their relationships, and so that's what she emulated. But to control someone through fear, you absolutely have to cause harm to them or something they care about, so I believe that is 100% her intention.


Hey! Me too on finally joining the patreon! But counterpoint to said defense of the prequels Jedi, the advice that Anakin was getting from the Jedi, even Yoda, kinda sucked. It basically boiled down to "stop feeling that way." Just constant touting of dogma and doctrine rather than actually using a deeper understanding of the teachings to reach for the context of Anakin's turmoil. He failed the Jedi, yes, but the Jedi failed him first.


But yoda didn't tell him he shouldn't feel anything, he just told him to learn to let go and take death as natural part of life. He told him that fear of loss is path to dark side and anakin fell to dark side because he was afraid to loose someone. It wasn't really about dogma, it was about resisting temptation to act on your fear and negative emotions. And Yoda didn't even know specifics of what anakin was talking about, he just knew it was someone close to him, it seemed his assumption was that he felt death of another jedi in war. Obi-wan also told anakin that he can have these feelings but as a jedi he can't act on them because his mind wouldn't clear and balanced (which is also what happens after anakin doesn't listen to him). Sure it's impposible to just let go of your wife, that is why jedi can't have wives.


Aang and his journey always reminded me of Harry Potter and how he would have been if he was actually given any love from ages 1-11

Blitz Cam

Yeah, so I tried to write what I said above from what I think Azula might say about her life growing up, if she were to reveal her motives and feelings etc. Not that I agree with everything. So, like I think more that Azula would believe that she isn't intending harm to Zuko or the group, but yes I personally believe she wanted to remove Iroh from Zuko's life specifically. (for the points I mentioned.) And yes I do agree, near the end of ATLA, Azula was likely jealous of Zuko for the love he received from his uncle, from his friends, and likely from the fire nation and world as he led the world as the new fire lord. The only comic/graphic novel I've read so far from ATLA is the story of Zuko's mom. Azula in there is shown to be psychotic(I don't know therapy much to give some kind of diagnosis, so I'll leave that to someone else), but I'll just leave it at that to not spoil Zuko's mom story. Worth a read for sure. And lastly, I do agree Azula couldn't likely understand how/why her friends betrayed her, because yes she did have power. I think this is one thing she learned from her father, that you can control others with power, and that might've been the only way she knew how to get 'friends', by using power to try and control them. Well, I'll leave it at that. Thanks for the replies and the discussion here. Would be an interesting therapy analysis video about Azula for sure.

Blitz Cam

Yeah, it is shown earlier that he was learning from tough how to battle while blindfolded, one against a rock, but also sparring with Toph, Katara, and Sokka. So seeing him master, or appear to master the technique from Toph was very nice. Ozai called Aang weak though for deciding not to kill him, not because he's a young kid. (If that's what you meant all good.) He mentions that Aang's people(other airbenders) are also weak for the same reason of not wanting to end a life, and follows saying that they can't coexist in his (Ozai's) world, which I think is true. A world run by Ozai is one where strength is shown by not allowing mercy, and finishing off your opponent without hesitation. Zuko from the start also never fit into Ozai's world, if you look back at it as well, as he never killed anyone and when given the chance to burn Zhao in their duel, he just threatened him instead. Definitely a show you can get more out of each rewatch.


Aang Gang!!


Aang gang! So glad you guys made these videos on Avatar! :)

Love Rehn

Aang Gang otherwise known as the Gaang


Aang Gang >:)


Aang gang! Thanks Jono and Alan! :)


Aang Gang forever


Aang gang! Thank you so much for these episodes! I don't know if it was another intentional parallel, or just looked better on screen, but the eye that doesn't break under Ozai's spirit is on the same side as Zuko's good eye.


Aang Gang!! <3


You guys finally managed to rope me into Patreon with this video... Glad I'm here. I adore ATLA, thank you for giving us a fresh take that brings the show alive again. An absolute gift.


Okay, now it's time for Steven Universe :)


Woot! Part of what makes the posing so incredible is they're legit stances. Legit meditation poses that actually are the right things to use in the circumstances he uses them. When he bats away the firelord's hand when he comes in for that side chop, it's the same kind of movement you see in Tai Chi (which is all martial arts used in a peaceful way) with the way the hand is curled. The same folks did The Dragon Prince, and they show off even more with a character that exclusively uses sign language. They did their homework and it shows beautifully. One of the best TV series out there - put it in my top 10 with Star Trek TNG, Firefly, Bojack Horseman, Buffy, etc.


Aang gang.


Aang gang


When Jono talked about graduate level statistics I felt that. (I had to take 4 stats classes for my undergrad.)

Alan Seawright

David (our online editor) did an unhinged ranking of all the romances. Search for David Does here on Patreon. It’s legendary.


Something that I feel like might be a missed opportunity on some of these episodes about anime stuff is just having guest star with animation experience in the eastern industry. I've worked with studio MIR and a couple anime studios myself, and the abilities that you need to develop to keep up with realistic artstyles that can be animated believably are insanely high level. The cel-shading hides the incredibly deep understanding of volume control, perspective, anatomy, and body mechanics needed to make all of these characters move and also to draw it all from scratch. If you take any scene where toph is "seeing" through vibrations you scratch the surface of the extent that an animator really thinks about the form of what they're drawing before placing pencil to paper. Ofc, when Alan says something big picture like "the sound effects really sell it here" I can't help but agree. I've had my animations ruined by using a basic punch sfx where something like a frying pan clang would've worked better. And especially in the finale, the roars of Ozai's fire blasts are literally so iconic. But damn I wish people knew that you gotta know the names and shapes of every muscle fiber rolling around the arm bones in order to be an animation supervisor on these shows.


It's so cool you got Appa to come on the show! 🤭 I'm also the fan girl at the beginning. My internet dads can do basically anything and I'm like, "oh, hell yeah!"


Gyatso went from being a “Disneyland dad,” in that he’s fun and quirky, to just a “Disney dad”—in that he dies early on in the story so the protagonist can undergo character development 💀


Aang gang, Im getting a puppy next month and I’m naming him appa 🫶🏼


Oh my god!!!! Hi, it's me, I'm the foaming ATLA fan 😂 This has made my whole week! Avatar was my favorite show as a kid and is STILL my favorite show as an adult. Every rewatch I learn something new. I love hearing your guys' take on Aang's journey and the prominent themes of the show. Now to watch Zuko's Villain Therapy episode 😍


Can't wait for this. Hopefully the one piece live action will get an episode or 2


Aang gang for the win!! But I will really be frothing at the mouth the day you cover Uncle Iroh. The Jono v. Iroh episode would be cool, but I think Uncle Iroh would also be a phenomenal example of how to grieve in a healthy way. I still have to pause the serious and sob into the pillow for a while after seeing his mini story in Tales of Ba Sing Se, but the way he honors his son’s memory while still finding joy in life and helping others to do the same is, for me personally, the most moving and inspiring thing in the entire show.

Michael Charboneau

A great look at the Aang Gang. I got most of the way through the series, but didn't quite finish. I felt that I'd seen enough (and knew enough story structure) that it wouldn't really spoil it for me. I do plan on going back and either watching from the beginning, or just finishing at some point. Great show, and a great CT episode. Thanks guys!


Aang Gang! But where is our Iroh episode


This was wonderful. I'm the same age as you guys, so I also missed out on ATLAB, but my husband watched it with his nephew back when it aired, and he asked me to watch it with him back while we were still dating. I loved it SO much. This show is a treasure. Korra is also a treasure, but in different, much more adult ways. These 2 shows definitely grew up with their audience, to the point where Nickelodeon actually pulled Korra off the air because a villain assassinated someone and it was too hardcore to air on their channel at that point; it had to be streamed after that point.


Aang gang!!


Aang gang!!!!

Amy Petty

Tell me, did y'all notice Post Man? The guy in the Kyoshi Island episode?

Amy Petty

I 100% want Alan to do his own deep - and I mean DEEEEP - dive on all the ways that film doesn't work, and how it could be done better. I mean, seriously, Alan, if you haven't seen that movie yet...I would be surprised if you didn't look at it and go "this is a great How Not To Make a Movie lecture in Filmmaking 101."

Natasha Sullivan

Something I hadn't thought about before. Since the southern air temple was closest to the south pole. I don't think his avatar state even froze himself. Because we see him use that move while in warmer waters. We see him and apparently and katara and saka to into the water. His avatar state triggers. He forms a ball around them, and they get out. Which tells me. Even in the avatar state. Freezing himself was never the point. He was trying to make a ball of air and fly out. But because he was near the south pole. The water was so cold. That his bubble of air/water froze around him. So like.. even in his Avatar state. He never meant to freeze himself. It was an intended conciqusnce of how cold the water was.


Bumi would also be fascinating. As he struggles to live with his Dad's expectations while only learning he's an airbender after his Dad has did.


Great video, as a pacifist myself I really relate to Aang, legend of Korra next? One can only hope.


Full disclosure: i joined your patreon to watch your ATLA videos.Worth it. I would love to hear your thoughts on Azula. i have so many thoughts and opinions on why she is the way she is. Never related to Zuko more than after watching your video.


I like this interpretation, I would add another level to it, though. Aang's understanding of Air Bender culture was that of a child. Had Aang been allowed to grow to adulthood and continue to study this religion, he may have chosen a different way to eliminate the threat of Ozai. We see Monk Gyatso surrounded by Fire Nation corpses. This appears to me that Gyatso killed all of those soldiers in defense of self and others. I see Aang desperately holding on to the beliefs of his people but his interpretation of those beliefs are still pretty black and white. He never really had the opportunity to study as an adult with another adult. This gives us, the viewers, the magnificent gift of those last episodes and a few useful bits for LoK. Tenzin was the most rigid of Aang's kids both because he had the gull responsibility of rebuilding the Air Nation but also he is compelled to do it according to Aang's interpretation of the way things used to be as a child. I'm not sure where exactly I'm going with this thought. I really should coffee before I comment 😅


I am absolutely the rabid, screaming fan


This truly is one of the greatest TV shows ever made. Loved the insight as always.


One of the series that shaped me as a human being 😭 so happy you did it justice! Other series that fall under the category of cartoons allowing you to tell mind bending visual stories about heart wrenching, adult topics, has to include: Star vs. The Forces of Evil Over the Garden Wall Steven Universe Adventure Time While Avatar set the stage for massively emotionally intelligent TV in disguise, they couldn't do it all (they tried though, truly, and Korra picked up where they left off on that undertaking). These shows dig into social issues of racism, lgbtq+ struggles, as well as the impacts of unhealthy family and other interpersonal relationships as the principal motivational forces that secretly propel these globally systemic issues, as well as the possible effects growing up in these circumstances can have on people, as they influence the world around them in turn. Even going so far as to delve into the personal struggles of child heroes with depression, their wrestling with mortality, and the responsibilities they feel the weight of. When these are your comfort shows...do you rewatch for the lack of anxiety inducing unfamiliarity...or to constantly poke at the subconscious as an extension of the tendency to overthink...well existence? The live action show I would foam at the mouth for kyoshi Island style is Sense8, created by the Wachowski's as they transitioned, exploring the concept of psychic hyperempathy. I find it a psychologically compelling juxtaposition to the aesthetic of The Matrix, and have probably read way too much into the implications of the contrast of isolation vs community. Would absolutely love to hear your thoughts


Aang gang! So glad you guys started doing ATLA, I love hearing your thoughts on the characters and stories!


Aang gang!


When I watched this as a kid, I was the same as Aang, thinking that letting go of love is a betrayal. But actually as I've grown older, loving from an unattached place is actually far more healthy. Because if you aren't able to let someone go, grief over the loss will destroy you. And that need to be attached to them can become a burden rather than love being a gift. Once I learned to love from an unselfish place, and let go of my insecurities of needing to cling to someone else to feel okay, I actually stopped feeling like a burden to others and felt more confident. That's when I first started feeling like I was in control of my life. And once I had that taste of confidence, even when I stumbled, I could remember that I can find it again.


Aang gang!! Ugh, yes, it's a perfect series and both had a deep impact on me as I was the same age as Katara when it was running on Nickelodeon and continues to have an impact on me and my family as I rewatch it with my sons!


Aang Gang!! To be honest, both the Aang Episode and The Director's Cut of Zuko made me ugly cry! I would LOVE an Uncle Iroh versus Jono episode. Also! I am willing to watch as much Team Avatar Content as you are willing to create! Thank you for all that you do, Team Cinema Therapy !


Aang Gang!! got patreon JUST so i could watch this and the director’s cut for Zuko’s episode lol, i’ve been meaning to for ages and this was the PERFECT opportunity


I was the same age as Aang when I first watched avatar, its definitely one of my favorite things ever


I loved it!


@00:02:00 real


The great divide is the worst episode of a great show


Aang Gang. :)


Aang gang! Loved this deep dive analysis on the avatar himself.


Aang gang! This is one of my favorite television shows of all time, if not my favorite. Seeing you guys break down some of the different things that make it great is so much fun and it makes me appreciate it even more.


Aang gang. Thank you so much for the great episode! <3

Meghan Blust

Aang gang! I would LOVE a character analysis of Azula. She's only 14 and she's under SO MUCH pressure and she's got gifted kid syndrome and the only love she receives is from her psychotic narcissistic father, her story is so tragic and is so much more than just a mean girl going nuts ❤️ honestly the character development in the series is so incredible each character could probably get a whole analysis and it would be interesting lol


I was in my late 30s the first time I watched the entire Avatar series. I found some of the themes very compelling, in particular Aang's dilemma that you highlighted about how to stop Fire Lord Ozai without killing him. I also love the Guru's explanation of how certain intense emotions (fear, shame, guilt, and grief) can get stuck in us and constrict the flow of our life energies. This is definitely not just kid's stuff. If you all do another Avatar episode, I vote for one focusing on Iroh as a mentor.


I would love to see an episode focused on Iroh, he was really the uncle we all needed while we were growing up watching this show and is someone my friends and I will constantly come back to as the pinnacle of found father characters.


Aang Gang!


This to me is the most amazing TV show. All other kids shows should be modeled off of this one. It is so perfect. Which is why live action versions have a tough time. I am scared for the new adaptation coming out.


I finally joined the Patreon. You guys got me with this one💖


Me: nah I don't think I need to join the Patreon Alan and Jono: We're doing an hour long episode about Aang Me: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!


aang gaang. this was amazing! so worth it!


Aang is my hero. I couldn't afford to stay any longer than the contribution it took to pay for this video since he's my idol ever since I was a teenager watching the show, but I've been a huge fan for a long time of yours and I'm so glad things are going well. congrats to the entire team


this is what finally brought me over to patreon <3


Loved it. 💙💙 Really liked the spin on guilt—on how we can feel guilty about things we can’t control (and shouldn’t), but instead of Guilt we should seek Gratitude. That’s something I want to remember, and think I will moving forward. It’s a Really Good Thing to take away from an already excellent episode. Thanks.


I'm going to take a moment to make the recommendation I make to anyone who watches, loves, and analyzes The Airbender this deeply: If you are at all into fanfiction, track down and read Embers by Vathara. Amazingly well done psychology and character development, both from a cultural as well as a personal standpoint, and goes even deeper and more detailed into an already complex world. BTW, aang gang! Thank you so much for all your wonderful, thoughtful, and engaging content!


Hahaha I just saw this one; glad you liked my username! Both of you and the team doing an amazing job as always!


aang gang :)


A recommendation if you like Avatar, is to watch She-ra on Netflix. It very much has a similar vibe with action, characters, world building, and therapeutic messages. Plus it's also queer made and has queer characters


aang gaang<3


Please do other characters! It would be really interesting to see an Iroh episode. Or a psychological review on azula and why she descended into who she was at the end!


Loss and grief for katara and sokka and how and why they are coping with loss in different ways (i hope you know what I mean i wrote this pretty badly lol)


I love psychology Jono and I love hearing the real life examples and applying my college classes to movies and tv!


OR (sorry I just love you guys and want to provide a couple suggestions) The differences in the live actions and how it adapted it so well (I hope you agree Alan; to me, it accomplishes what Percy Jackson was trying to do!)


aang GANG! I'm a huge fan of avatar, and you guys unlock angles of appreciation and reflection for this show that I never would've thought of. Wow, what an incredible episode


Aang Gang 🤗 Came here to watch the hour long episodes on Aang and Zuko after the live action remake of season 1. Saved it just in case it sucked 😆 Luckily it didn’t do too bad 😂 Love that you’re working on an Uncle Iroh episode! Hopefully they can improve on the live action version in season 2 and 3 because the writing could be improved. So glad they greenlit the next two seasons and can’t wait for them to bring more to the live action show 😊


Aang Gang! I came into patreon only to see this episode! I am a big fan of the work you guys do. It Is very inspirational and therapeuthic for me as well. Thank you! All the love from México!!!