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We're testing an upcoming Patreon feature called Drops! It's a live chat video premier right in your Patreon feed. Instead of dropping the next director's cut one day early, you're getting it two days early AND it'll be a Drop! Jonathan and Alan will be in the chat, and you can talk to them while it's playing. Drops is currently only in the app, so make sure your Patreon app is updated to the most recent version, and join us on Wednesday at 9am MST for a super early look at the DC for VT: Zuko.

And if you're not at the Hero tier or higher, join before Wednesday so you can hang out with us for Drops!



drops being mobile app only is a total buzzkill. id rather wait till i can watch it on my monitor -.-


I would love to be able to actually chat with you guys it be cool if you did a special patrion guest on your show that be neat :)