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Here's a recap of what we did last month!

November was a busy one, for both prep and shooting... and more prep!

To kick off the month, Alan and Corinne (Producer) attended Patreon's first-ever Creator Fest. The event was held in LA and brought fellow creators together to celebrate community, creativity, and collaboration. A lot of Cs! We got a lot out of mingling with creators and bouncing ideas off each other. And we learned about some new features coming to Patreon (more on that in December)!

We finally launched our second round of merch! Y'all love cartoon Alan so we had to make a cartoon Jono design. We've also got hoodies just in time for winter. And you can't go wrong with a CT popcorn bucket to go with your CT popcorn! (ctpopcorn.com). Remember, Patrons get 15% off all our merch - see your welcome message for the code. 

Our last shoot of the year was a great success! We shot some awesome episodes that will come out early next year... and a special one that will come out in December. Jonathan may have spoiled it at FanX... 🤭 We teamed up with independent cinema, Maven Cinemas, for a movie + fan meetup. They also supplied us with costumes for a few episodes, but you'll have to wait to see those. Watching Serenity with y'all was a blast, even if Alan was a bit under the weather.

Here's a sneak peek of what's coming next!

December will be a short but packed month. Our whole team is working hard to prepare episodes before the second half of the month so we can all take a much needed break over the holiday period. Wish us luck for the first half of the month... it'll be a busy time!

The above doesn't even include prep for the next shoot, but we'll be trying to fit in as much of that as we can before the break because our next shoot is right after that. Starting 2024 off with a bang. As always, here's an emoji sneak peek of what we're prepping: 👦➕🐦

About a new Patreon feature... we'll be testing Drops, which is much like YouTube Premieres, where we watch a new video together in real time and chat. Not only that, we'll be testing Drops with a very special director's cut episode on Wednesday, December 13th at 9am MST. Anyone with access to director's cuts (Hero tier or higher) is welcome to join us!

How was your month? What are you looking forward to next month?




I just realized they have whatever planned on my birthday


I needed y'all to do Spirited! There's so much psychology fun