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Hello Heroes!

November. This month was insane because of the unending demands of shoots, and also, we prepped a TV series (you’ll have to wait to find out) that ate our lives. But in a good way! Hoping for more free time in December to read/watch/play!

What I’m reading!

  • The Blood Tree by Adam J. Mangum. Adam is a long-time friend of mine. We’re also collaborating with him on a film script. This is the start of a good-sized epic fantasy series, and it’s a really solid start. I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes!
  • Morning Star by Pierce Brown. Finished up the first Red Rising Trilogy, and man. It’s good. I really like these books. Bloody, epic, melodramatic! I hope somebody makes a giant Game of Thrones-style series out of these. I’d watch the hell out of it. I don’t want to be the one to make it though. Exhausting! I’m excited to start the second trilogy, but I need a palette cleanser first. Also, I have a huge stack of film history and analysis books to get through first.
  • I made a whole list from your recs last month! I’ve got quite the queue at my library that I’m hoping to get to over the holidays!

What I’m watching!

  • Godzilla: King of the Monsters. That was a movie. I really didn’t love it. Felt like it was checking boxes put there by marketing people and was barely strung together by a “plot," which is too bad. I love the Gareth Edwards Godzilla, and I really liked Kong: Skull Island.
  • The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Still my favorite films. We don’t usually do an annual re-watch, but we did this year. And it was glorious. We watched the Theatrical Cuts for the first time since they played in theaters 20 years ago (geez, I’m old) and you know what? I’m gonna get flack for this. Aside from RotK, the theatrical cuts are better as movies. And even the last one would have been better, except for the loss of Saruman, which is egregious. Maybe I’ll do a deep dive on this topic?

What I’m playing!

  • Started playing DeathLoop. It’s a gas. I’m loving it so far. But I’m not very far into it and haven’t had time. Looking forward to more time for it in the coming weeks.
  • Also, really excited to get to Spider-Man 2 over the holidays. I won’t be able to do it before then, but wowee-zowee I love those games!


Watch Movies! (And television, and read books, and play video games)


Hi all! Wishing good things for all of you and, if you celebrate Thanksgiving, that the holiday treated you well!

I've been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. I was in my twenties when it came out originally, and at the time not keen on anything on Nickleodeon. But I've circled back, and it's up there with The Clone Wars and Batman: The Animated Series for "kids" (quote unquote) shows with storytelling that's better than most grownup programming. What amazing, powerful character arcs, hot damn!

Speaking of The Clone Wars, I just finished that series with my kids. The last four episodes (the series finale) stand with the very best Star Wars has to offer. Stunning work. 

I saw Disney's Wish, which is better than the reviews make it out to be. It's formulaic Disney and you've seen it done better, but it's not bad at all. The songs slap, and I was genuinely moved by the ending.

Taking a break from all my psychology reading to enjoy a little Jane Austen. I bought the all-in-one hardback novel collection from Costco. I've seen the movies based on her work, but it's time to enjoy the actual books! Starting with Sense and Sensibility.

What have you been watching and reading this month?




Play Final Fantasy X


I've been making my way through the Wisteria Witches Mysteries by Amge;a {e[[erand am currently on the 12th book, Winter in Wisteria. It's like cotton candy for my brain. Light and fluffy but still has murder, monsters, and the occassional armageddon. I'm also trying to make my way through Healing with Poisons: Potent Medicines in Medieval China by Yan Liu. I just started watching Hannibal and now I'm ever so slightly obsessed with Mads Mikkelsen. I've enjoyed his performance in other things but, dude, there's something about him being a gourmet serial killer in a suit that has...caught my interest. Besides, how can I not be happy watching Gillian Anderson? I'm not playing anything interesting, just Merge Dragons on my phone while I'm supposed to be working :-D