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What makes a marriage work? What are your favorite movie marriages?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are doing another round of top movie marriages and sharing what makes these movie marriages thrive. They take a look at five great marriages: Pongo and Perdita from 101 Dalmatians, Barbara and Adam from Beetlejuice, Guido and Dora from Life is Beautiful, Elinor and Fergus from Brave, and Rick and Evie from The Mummy. They discuss themes such as love languages, problem solving, and loyalty. Look out for our honorable mentions and tell us your favorite movie marriages in the comments below!




I’m just here to further support team #pausedfortheeditorsnote and pledge my undying loyalty to the cause that is bringing back The Mummy with the original cast members. When I watched the first couples video I was yelling “Rick and Evie” by the end, because they’re up there with Morticia and Gomez as supreme couples goals.


I’m genuinely impressed with Alan’s impersonation 😝 Please do a cosplay!