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How do you open up to community and connection after trauma?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are joined by world-renowned novelist, Brandon Mull, as they dive into the hero’s journey of Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket's journey is centered around connection and healing after trauma, and Jonathan speaks to the validity of Rocket's experiences and reactions. They talk about how Guardians 3 changed their perception of the first two movies and the brilliance of James Gunn's writing, especially with Rocket.




I wonder if Brandon Sanderson would be interested in doing an episode with Alan and Jonathan.


Can't wait to watch this episode! I know you guys rarely do TV shows...but I would LOVE to hear you do Psychology of a Hero about Jon Snow (Game of Thrones) I know it's a long shot, but just putting it out there!💜