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How do you figure out what you want in life? Why is it important to face your fears?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are taking a look at princess, icon, and hero, Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia… or just Mia. Mia’s journey from wanting to be invisible to becoming a princess is all about self-actualization, and Jonathan shares what it takes to get there. They rave about acting (and Genovian) royalty, Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews, they get PO'd about the cat’s POV, and Jonathan tells a sad (hilarious) story about trying to impress a girl in second grade.




This is what I needed in life


Yeesss!!! My mom and I bonded so much over this movie when I was little!! Even if there were some cat pov's. lol!


As I try to make a massive shift in my profession, a video on Maslow's Self-Actualization is precisely what I needed. Thank you. Now to put that advice, knowledge, wisdom (??) into action...that's going to be a bit harder. Why does the day-to-day performance of psychology have to be so much harder than talking about it??


This movie was a favorite among my friends and family, so this was a great surprise when I saw the email this morning! I think my friends and I loved it so much for 1) Julie Andrews, duh, and 2) for the escapism, the fantasy life. I also automatically love every movie filmed in San Francisco. There is something about this city that just makes me happy. Thank you!!


Isn't Fat Louie sort of Mia's confidant/advisor? He's the one who finds the letter from her father also.


Wow! This one was nicely timed. I've been slogging through the metaphorical junk in my life and organizing, and taking care of things to change my life and take a new direction. I have an idea of where I want to get to, and of where I'll actually end up I'm completely uncertain. And I'm still taking the steps to get there. I get scared if I think about the whole big picture all at once, it's overwhelming, but if I can just focus on each step, I'll get there before I have the time to be scared about it. Voluntarily upending one's own life is a lot less chaotic than having someone else do it for you. The fear is still there, but it's processed at a manageable pace while keeping the ball rolling.


That rooftop scene, in a way, made me think of that one scene from Good Will Hunting where Chuckie is trying to get Will to do something with his ability. There was no need for an apology, but Chuckie vents his frustration that Will isn’t using his talent for something big. I mean, yeah, Will has some inner demons tormenting him and not entirely sure what he wants, but the way Chuck’s trying to get him out of his comfort zone is somehow inspiring. That scene and the rooftop scene is having me reflect on my own self-actualization. My progress, I’ve gone to the gym for at least a month to work on my Batman/Daredevil BOD before I turn 30! 😁


The whole point of the sequel is Chris Pine 🤣 AGREED!


Julia Andrews is not only a Queen, but a Goddess. Dear Lord, I hope she lives forever


I LOVE JULIE ANDREWS!!! I am a musician, and I love listening to her talk and sing. Her diction is perfect. I can understand every word she says and sings. Which with some music today is not the case. I will go back to song lyrics and realize I have been singing it wrong for months or years. Then I feel so dumb 😆


This episode has come right at a time in my life where I'm realizing that if I don't face the things that terrify me, I'm never going to reach what I want to in life. I love the advice from the dad: "Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear; The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all." I'm a very cautious person, and my life has felt largely without meaning for some time now. However, as I've faced fears, which I'm doing with increasing regularity, I've found so much more joy and satisfaction in my life. This subject has been particularly impressed on my mind lately, and I'm taking the timing of this episode, along with other similarly well timed thoughts, promptings and occurrences, as evidence that I'm on the right track.


Another point in the second movie’s favor, it gave us Queen Clarisse and Joe getting married. Hector Elizondo as Joe (Joey? No. Joe.) was another great character, I actually loved how quickly he went from being a little irritated at having to be Mia‘s chauffeur/babysitter, to genuinely caring about her and protecting her in a fatherly way. In fact, that’s another point for the second movie. “If you hurt my girl, you will answer directly to me, and whatever crimes I commit against you, remember, I have diplomatic immunity in 46 countries, including Puerto Rico.”


The 3rd reason to watch the 2nd movie is the scene where Joe confronts John Rhys-Davies' character who argues "fear is not in my vocabulary" and Joe says, "perhaps. But it's in your eyes." No one will ever write a better comeback. Destroyed. Obliterated. Scattered to the void. There's no recovering from that.


Mia reading in front of the class made me think of “The King’s Speech”. It’d be great to get their perspective on that film, as I know stuttering affects a lot of people.


Fantastic episode, and I greatly needed this right now in my life. I've been struggling to face fears in my career, and I needed to be reminded of self-actualization. Thank you so much guys! The only thing I would have changed would have been acknowledging Joe and the role he plays in Mia's journey to realizing she can and wants to be a princess. Would have loved to hear your perspectives on him!


Case in point: my friend thought Rolling Stones classic You Start me Up was Yugoslavia. Lol. I also misheard disco tune Rollercoaster of Love as At the Bus Stop. I like that one better. 🤪


I haven’t seen this movie in years, so I can’t really remember why that cat was important. BUT, as any cat owner (er slave) knows, cats are above it all. Perhaps Gary Marshall instinctively knew this. To me, the scene says, “Silly humans. Feed me.”


this episode is calling me out in so many ways. When i was little i never wanted to be invisible, i was proud of my qualities and never thought about the possibility of failure. then life struck me, i had depression, gifted kid dilemmas and other stuff that basically broke me. I still am a person with the big ambition to succeed and be great, leave something good to the world. But as Amelia, right now i have a lot of fear i need to face. Thanks for the calling out internet dads <3


You guys are my age and you’re still my internet dads. 🥲


Great episode guys, I needed this more than I realized. Also Robert.