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This is the first of hopefully many pre-filmed Patron-exclusive quarterly Q&As. We received your questions last month and answered them during our most recent shoot. Did we A your Qs good? Did Alan cry? Not this time. Did they go on a tangent about chocolate and peanut butter? Maybe. Thank you for submitting your questions and for supporting us. We love our Patrons! 




I finally got around to watching this Q&A today and I was surprised to hear Jono *not* list 3:10 to Yuma as one of his five movies to watch for the rest of his life. I’ve never seen this movie, but I am DYING for you guys to do it just because I’ve heard Jono talk about it so much. Your fans love you! This fan would LOVE to see you go all out for your own favorite movie!

Lyndis Cealin

Sooo... how can I buy Finding Identity? I can buy the Gender Identity Study, but not the first one >.>