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Each month, you get a random piece of exclusive bonus content as a thank you for supporting us on Patreon. May's Grab Bag of Mystery perk is Jono Impressions. You may have seen his college talent show winning Gollum impression or his Cinema Therapy outro impressions. This is Jono unleashed. We can't control him and are not responsible for anything he said in this video.




Omg, thank you so much! That was fantastic! 😂


"Thank you for enabling us!" I am actually the laugh/crying emoji right now. Please, never change

Amy Petty

Okay so I'm just gonna say it - blooper reel my preciouses! WE NEEDS IT! WE NEEDS THE BLOOPER REEL! (Like no seriously, I 100% know that 100% of my fellow patrons will agree with me we need the blooper reel for this grab bag episode. Failing that, y'all gotta tell us which of Jono's impressions it was that almost killed Alan).

Desireé (Speak91)

I didn’t know I needed this until now. Thank you so much!


Whoever's been going to some of these therapists is going to need therapy to recover from their therapy.

Allison Hall

This is everything I've ever wanted XD now I want a commentary where they're both Kermit!


I laughed *so*. *Hard*. XD DO MOREEEEE


Thank you so much, gentlemen. I was both disturbed and entertained. Precisely the kind of content I come here for.

Neurotic Cow

This confirms my theory that all therapists are insane........... In a good way


Omg 🤣🤣🤣 Also -- I dunno, Jono, anyone interested enough in psychology to pursue it as a career has a reason it's so engaging to them 🤣 I certainly fit that profile, but it's a hobby lol

Amy Petty

Can't. Stop. Watching! Just fired it up again and as funny as Jono is, I swear it's Alan that keeps sending me. I just now noticed the part during the Shrek bit where Alan says "I get it" in this tiny voice and my poor guy just sounds SO broken and full of regret...! LMAO

Lady Lost

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! 🤣 Yes! All of this! Please tell me Jono does even more impressions. 😆 We need so much more of this!


Props to Jono for proving that, deep down, therapists are truly dorks. 10/10 😂


This. Was. GLORIOUS! 🙌 🙌 🙌 🏆🏆🏆


Alan's definitely gonna need more therapy after that 😆😅😵 hilarious but also icky/hurt to laugh sometimes 😆 i felt Alan's pain lol


They said that Alan is still coughing to this day…


This was IN-CRED-I-BLy horrifying at times.....especially the Shrek advice. i think i threw up a lil in my mouth. 😂🤢😂

Pam Jackson

Well never have I been more satisfied in signing up for patronage. I just woke up my neighbour through the wall laughing


I just wanna know what was censored out for donkey. I'm dying to know 🤣.