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Hello Heroes!

Beware the ides of March. Or as this year has it in the western US: Beware the never-ending winter. Seriously, as I write this on March 24th, snow is falling. Six inches of it in the valleys. I love winter, and I’m pretty much over it this year.

What I’m reading!

  • The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson. Just started The Lost Metal, so I’ll report on that next month. The Wax/Wayne books never hit me quite like the original Mistborn trilogy did, but in The Bands of Mourning, it feels like Sanderson hit his stride better. Setting these magic users in basically the 1910s-1920s, these should feel like Indiana Jones movies, or to reach farther back, the serials and adventure dime novels they’re based on. This one nails it. I liked this a lot more than the preceding two books. Excited to wrap up Wax/Wayne.
  • Old Man’s War and The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi. I’ve read a fair amount of Scalzi before (special shoutout to Redshirts for being incredible, funny, but also touching and thought-provoking,) but this is OG Scalzi. Man, he came out the gate firing on all cylinders! These books are GREAT! Super-fun world. Love the dog-weariness of the soldiers, just really fun, while also having plenty to say, but not beating you over the head with it.

What I’m watching!

  • Finished The Last of Us season 1. I’m extremely excited for season 2, but I think I’m going to have to play TLoU: Part 2 before the show comes out. I’ve been dreading that for a long time, because I loved TLoU the game, but I hated playing it, if that makes sense. It was an incredible story, but not fun to play. Just stressful. Which would have been really fun when I was younger, and didn’t really have stressful things in my life. But now I have a marriage and kids and a mortgage and employees and people have expectations of me. I want my game time to just be like, "Hi, I am the God of this world. Kneel before me, or suffer my wrath."
    This had very little to do with The Last of Us, but I guess, I just don’t have much to say about a masterpiece?
  • I’ve started (with the whole family) The Mandalorian season 3. And it’s fun. I like it a lot. I definitely miss Ludwig Göransson as the composer. His work is stellar, and the replacement composer is… not Ludwig Göransson. They should have hired Caleb Blood. Anyway, I’m a couple episodes behind, but it’s fun. I’m not thrilled that Grogu is back, honestly. I would have loved to see more of Mando just adventuring around the galaxy, and maybe running across Grogu (learning from Luke) later in the show. But what do I know? Not as much as Jon Favreau, I’ll tell you that much.
  • I finally got around to watching The Mist (2007). And you know what? It’s good. I love Frank Darabont and his other films, so I expected to love this movie. It was honestly a little ham-fisted. The religious lady was so over-the-top that I wasn’t really buying anyone falling in line with her. Or at least, not in the numbers that they did. Didn’t help that the CG in many ways didn’t hold up particularly well. I mean, I get it. $18 million only goes so far, and it certainly wasn’t enough to buy the types of creature effects you need to stand the test of time, even 16 years ago. Still, if you love horror, well worth the watch, and it has certainly been influential, like, I see it’s influence in all kinds of things, especially all over Jordan Peele’s work.

What I’m playing!

  • Still playing Skyrim. And likely will be for months. So, boring update. I have horse armor now.
  • Excited by the announcement for Cities: Skylines II (Yep, I’m that nerd). Though I’m not loving that there is no MacOS announcement. Love that the original came on Mac. Bummed that it looks like this one won’t.


Watch Movies! (And television, and read books, and play video games)


Hello all! Hope you've been having a wonderful March! I've been reading You Can Be Happy No Matter What by Dr. Richard Carlson. I'm enjoying its practical solutions for combatting minor depression and anxiety symptoms; I think its principles can help with more chronic symptoms as well, though stronger treatment is likely needed in that case. Still, it's got great advice for the normal "trials of life" that we all go through, even if the title is a bit overly-optimistic. "You can be resilient no matter what," is something I'd espouse more whole-heartedly, or "you can find happiness, no matter what." But sadness is a part of life. Yet I digress. Overall, good book.

I've been getting back into The Clone Wars, which starts as "gee-whiz" kiddie fare and matures, starting in about season three, into some of the very best Star Wars there is. I'm just getting started on Agents of Shield and Heartstopper as well. 

What have you been watching and reading this month?



Isaiah Williams

Been reading LOTS of Stephen King. Just started book 3 of the Dark Tower series. If you're looking for any recommendations I strongly recommend 11/22/63. That's my favorite book of all time.


Enjoy Heartstopper dear Jono! It had the biggest impact on me, I love it so much.


I'm still reading Percy Jackson, and am in the middle of The Last Olympian. Rick Riordan really hit his stride in The Titan's Curse, which is now my favorite. Battle of the Labyrinth is a little chaotic for me. I mean, the things Percy has to do don't really make sense and seem pretty random. I have only been watching sports, hockey and March Madness.


I loved Heartstopper and hope you do as well. I also finished The Last of Us and as someone who played the game I thought it was amazing, plus I saw A Good Person with you guys on Saturday! I finished reading Flowers for Algernon a few weeks ago and bawled my eyes out but really liked it, and I’m gonna start on 100 Years of Solitude next (both downers I know but I’m a bit of an emotional masochist)

Lauren Wagstaff

Alan: as someone who just finished TLOS 2…it’s great. It’s is challenging, and will purposefully challenge how you view the characters. If you don’t know anything about it DO NOT LOOK UP SPOILERS. Only other warning: this one takes bleakness to a level far beyond what TLOU1 did. It is difficult to play, for so many reasons, but can also be very rewarding. Enjoy!

Lauren Wagstaff

I read Flowers in school, middle or high school, and I remember loving it. Now that’s all I remember, was how moved I was at the end


Lately I finished the season for TLOU, curious how the story for Part 2 will resonate with you Alan. I think it’s much more clunky in parts than the first game, but maybe you’ll like it better. The other series I finished recently was Mob Psycho 100, a show about a psychic boy trying to live normally and improve himself so he can confess to his crush. It’s got awesome fights and a wonderful display of an excellent support system for Mob as he tries to improve himself. For reading, I finished A Darker Shade of Magic and I’m starting the second book A Gathering of Shadows, but I’m also reading another book called Recursion by Blake Crouch. It’s fun swapping between different genres like fantasy and sci-fi, respectively. With games, I’ve just been playing a lot of Overwatch, Call of Duty and Final Fantasy. Also had a lot of fun with the Diablo 4 beta so now I’m very excited for its June release even if it’s a few weeks before Final Fantasy XVI


Jono: I am so, so excited that you are watching Agents of Shield!!! In my humble opinion, it is the best Marvel content out there. Not the beginning so much, but it is one of those rare shows that keeps getting better every season. Also, there is an episode in season six that is basically a couple going through a therapy session in a very sci-fi way. Anyway, I really hope you love the show as much as I did. You do sometimes have to push through season one, but once it gets going, it's a wild ride!!

Yani Dodge

Yay Agents of Shield! I'm taking a friend of mine through it right now and it's one of my favorite shows! Wish more people knew about it, has some really great characters 😁


I've been slowly but surely making my way through "Ah, Wilderness!" by Eugene O'Neill. I read a great biography about him, and I figured I ought to see either or read some of his plays as they are so influential to drama, it would have made more sense to start with something like "Long Day's Journey Into Night" or "The Iceman Cometh," but I wanted to read the one comedy he ever wrote. He's so good at titles. I've also been watching season 3 of Ted Lasso with my family, I absolutely love that show.


Can I recommend a show? Severance, on Apple TV+ is amazing. and Jono, I would think you would have a lot to say about a group of people whose work lives are completely separate from their personal lives. It's thrilling and I can only say that I thought the filmmaking was superb. I'm sure Alan could tell me why. It's amazing! Can't wait for season 2.


I LOVE Severance! Excellent show. Well written, stellar performances, and the production design, lighting, and camera work (especially at the office) is amazing. I can't wait for season 2, too! - Alan


Okay, you might have convinced me to come back to it and watch more. I watched the first season and a half or so, and then never got back to it! - Alan


Well, that’s my good deed for the day. Lol Seriously I think you’ll love it. Such good storytelling. And like I said, if you even sorta enjoy the first couple of seasons, it just keeps getting better.


I'm reading "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?" by Mindy Kaling. So far I like it.


Been watching The Mandalorian, Ted Lasso and Gotham Knights. Reading SINdicate by J.T. Nicholas, Still Life by Louise Penny and Comics Pixie and Brutus, Litterbox Comics, Greetings From Grisley and Nerd and Jock. Playing Ark Survival Evolved, Jackbox Games, and another that shall remain nameless. Listening to Wine and Crime podcast, Let’s Go To Court podcast, and waiting for the next season of The Midnight Library podcast. Keeping it together and doing a not going anywhere or seeing anyone weekend!


Heartstopper is the television equivalent to a warm brownie sundae. I love it.


I've been rewatching both MASH and Mork and Mindy simultaneously at work, and I've been watching a lot of Star Wars while i work on art (: (i havent had too much time to read lately, but i've been slowly getting through jane austen's stuff and a couple novelizations of comfort movies)

Opal Evergreen

I've been spending literally all my free time reading short stories people write online and I'm loving it


STAR WARS THE CLOEN WARS WOOOHOOO! *getting the fan back into the closet* Love the series. Makes every character better of all the prequels. I also recomment in that area bad batch once you finsiehd SWTCW. Also I am still missing Flashpoint (from Canada) in your list. :S The most awesome and wholesome police/crime/taskforce serie I have found so far. I'd be watching it right now if I hadn't only half a year ago for the 6th time and still know the dialog inside out. Seriously you'll like it. xD Currently watching CT and writing my book... I guess not much of a reader, sorry. xD Best wishes


Jono, have you ever read Crazy by Pete Earley or Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh? They are my two favorite mental health books and completely different. You may enjoy them. I'm currently reading the "sequel?" to Hyperbole and a Half as well as Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. Alan, nothing to be shamed of Skyrim, it is a legendary game, congratulations on the horse armor haha.


I just finished Still Just a Geek: An Annotated Memoir by Wil Wheaton. SO insightful! The trauma that he went through as a young person and the way he talks about how he would have liked to be treated on and off set, has made me re-evaluate my words when talking to my highly intelligent children, and addressing those around us who have unresolved trauma (and haven't recognized that they have a problem).