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Go see Zach Braff’s new film A Good Person, now playing only in theaters. Get your tickets here!

How do you cope with grief and guilt? Where do you turn when hardship feels insurmountable?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are joined by an actual very professional filmmaker, Zach Braff! They’re reacting to his new film, A Good Person. Zach shares his desire to tell a story about grief, addiction, and everyday struggles as well as the power of humor and human connection. Jonathan explains why the characters’ journeys feel authentic to real recovery experiences, and Alan praises the stellar cinematography, the realistic writing, and the transcendent performances by Florence Pugh and Morgan Freeman. Two acting legends! They all share the power of human connection in their lives and how this film resonates with their experiences. It was an absolute joy to talk with Zach and dive deeper into his vision and storytelling. This episode is spoiler-free, so you’ll have to see the rest for yourself in theaters.




This was lovely ❤️ Really excited to see the movie now! Well done y'all. Keep 'em celebrities coming! Your discussions and insights are good enough for all of them 👏


Iiii loved this episode. Zach is so humble and thankful, he and his crew created a fantastic looking movie and I'm excited to watch it. You guys were playing it so cool 😎 😅 I'm really proud of how far my Internet dads have come. Who else where geeking out behind the scene about having Zach Braff on the show? Who was the most nervous about it?


The link for tickets didn’t work for me


I know what I'm doing this weekend! 🍿🍫🥤


Thats great guys I'm so happy for you all :) what a lovely episode. Some really dark stuff started happening right after/ during when I started having children...I literally had one boy RIGHT at the start of the Australian bushfires then covid hit. But at the same time I found my tribe and I don't always realise how important they are. It's scary out there and humans being the social creatures we are just need to be hugged with eyes. Thanks so much xx


Jono can definately hug with his eyes.

Lisa Tosti

This movie looks tremendous and I can't wait to see it! Garden State has been one of my favorite movies for a very long time and I feel like this movie will blow that one out of the water


When Zach started talking about the agreement to put your phone down, I immediately thought of weekends with my parents. Lately, my parents and I have been taking time on the weekends to sit and watch things together (in particular we’ve been watching Daniel Day-Lewis films), but we keep pausing to ask questions, have chats, etc. It doesn’t make the experience less enjoyable but it does make it less powerful and lessens your involvement with the story, the characters, the lessons, and the art. When we sit down to watch our movie tonight (another Daniel Day-Lewis film, so it’s almost guaranteed to be a masterpiece), I’m gonna suggest we leave our phones somewhere else, because I want to see how different an experience we can have when they’re not there to distract us.


"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it's connection." When I heard you say that, I started crying. I'm at a point in my life where even though I'm constantly surrounded by family at home and work, I still feel incredibly alone and lonely. I've been sorting out painful things that happened in my life and the invisible scripts surrounding them that I had learned as a kid, and just quietly dealing with a lot by myself. The worst part, is that even though I know they all care about me, there's certain aspects of their own points of view that I know won't really allow them to fully understand the depths of how I feel about something that, on the outside, may seem totally trivial, and that I should just be able to "snap out of it", or it's "just something I'll have to get over and do". On a logical level, yeah, it should be. But mental and emotional pain and trauma isn't exactly logical, and can't just be gotten over. You guys and your channel help me make sense of and deal with what's in my head, and put words to things I could only feel. I think I should definitely watch this movie, even though the pain is different, the grief over the loss of a different outcome in life is still the same.


I guess the real A Good Person, was the friends we made along the way. That friend being Zach Braff

Jennifer Redmond

I’ve spent almost 23 years in the AA world, I’ve watched people I love relapse and then die from this disease, and every time I’ve felt more alone. Watching Florence walk into that meeting for the first time was like looking in a time machine and watching myself. I’m so thankful that Zach portrayed this whole journey honestly, because we are a goofy bunch sometimes. I can’t wait to sob in a theater watching this movie ❤️❤️❤️


Omg this movie was so good!!! I got tickets for tonight because I want to watch this episode so bad, squeeeee!


I'm probably not alone in this -- I'm so incredibly moved by music. I hadn't shed a single tear until Allie was writing and singing her song and then all those emotions of connecting and having those lyrics resonate so much -- it was so incredible. I can't even name the emotions, it was just so raw. Omg. I'm going to have to buy it - the song, the movie... The only other song that's moved me so much was The Forever Now from This is Us, a TV show right there in the same Venn Diagram (but TV). 💗 Zach was so humble and animated and just too amazing for words. I'm really grateful for this film.


There's a moment I think that you'll really feel connected to and I'm not going to say more than that so it will be fresh and unspoiled -- I hope you can see it soon 💗


I kind of wish I had a way to click a button and capture a thought -- just *click* and no more, and it's ready for the discussion later. That's what's beautiful about discussions though; someone says something that flashes a glimpse at what you thought in that moment.


My husband chose not to go with me for this one because I unintentionally initiated a watch of Garden State riiiiiight after his mom died and he felt like this would be similar 😩 Now I'm really wanting to go back for it though, just maybe by myself so as not to bring up stuff for him.


Omg yas, ZACH FREAKING BRAFF was in awe of our Internet dads, how cool is that?!?!?! (I'm a year older but they're still my Internet dads lol)


Having recently experienced a personal loss that I'm having trouble processing emotionally and dealing with mentally, I don't know if I'm going to be in a good enough place to go see this while it's still in theaters. Which is unfortunate, as it looks so good! Zach Braff seems like such a sweetheart. I can't wait to see who the next guest star will be! Also, my goodness the triple set of baby blues is almost blinding haha.


If anyone digs this deep...Alan, how much is acting and how much is lighting/makeup for the difference between Allie at 25-50% through the movie to the last couple scenes? Hopefully that's vague yet specific so as not to spoil.


I really wish I could get out and see this movie on the big screen, but disability prevents me. This was an awesome episode though, and when it's available to rent I will happily lay down my money.


To authentically and honestly portray an everyday tragedy with humor and grace woven through the turmoil of surviving a type of tragedy that strikes someone somewhere every day...Zach did amazing. You kept saying it was "earned" and it made me think of earned goodness in the light of everyday tragedy.


I saw it Saturday, that was such a beautifully moving movie! Thank you both so much for the strong recommendations!


I like the discussion about cinema vs home viewing. Post pandemic the cinemas did a lot of anniversary screenings to make up for lack of movies and it gave me a chance to watch in cinema some movies I've only ever seen at home. The difference is startling. The one thing they didn't mention is sound, the crappy little speaker I have at home is no match for the cinema and it can make a big difference


Just watched this Saturday. I love where Morgan Freeman says something like "comparisons are the thief of joy" both my husband and I audible ly went "whoa". Because its so true. How often we compare our lives to someone elses and it robs us of the joy in our own. Loved this film, love CT and Zack. Beautiful movie. Can we get a Garden State episode for real though?