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Each month, you get a random piece of exclusive bonus content as a thank you for supporting us on Patreon. Jono does his own stunts. And in this Grab Bag of Mystery, professional stuntman, parkour athlete, and World Chase Tag champion Omar Zaki critiques Jonathan's work in Moonstruck, the short film Alan wrote/directed, and Jono performed in.

If you haven't seen the short yet, watch it here!



The casual ease of falling down the stairs was incredible!


I'm so glad I didn't have time to watch this whole video when the original oops video went out. Moono's fall was awesome and the unprofessional stunt training comment was hysterical!

Lady Lost

Having a conversation... WHILE... falling gracefully down the stairs... Only Moono. Epic. 🤣 Though seriously, if you're gonna do more stunts, you should probably do mobility exercises in the months beforehand, 'cause seeing that fall, I thought we all lost our favorite therapist... 🙀 (Yes, even though I know it was done a while ago, that's how worried that fall made me.)


Incredible work. Good job not hurting yourself badly, Jonno. That quarter speed fall took me right back to hanging out with my brother and cousin and watching them (convincingly) 'fall' across a level floor. Tilt the camera and speed the playback and they were rolling down a mountain.

Loki Dokey

Welcome to the couch 😆 Watching Moono, an unprofessional stunt wannabe who has a background in nonprofessional stuntwork being super proud of himself (which you absolutely can) and getting massive respect from an actual professional stuntman is just🤩 This is a painful memory 🤣 Osmar: You would get an stunt adjustment for it . . . Moono: Oh yeah . . .(wait a minute) no I didn't get that . . . Osmar: Talk to your director Moono turns to Alan: What the hell?! Alan: Talk to the producer Moono turns Megan: What the hell?! Well at least you've earned respect 😎


I really enjoyed watching this.. I was born with balance and coordination issues. I've spent years falling and landing..(mostly without injury).. 😂.. I approve, nice fall and landing.


During the rehearsal footage, when Jono demonstrates the fall, all the dogs come rushing over as well, like "are you dead?!!".


Loved this and getting to hear Omar’s perspective. I think Jono got downplayed a little bit for the stair fall. I thought it was awesome. Not awesome “for a dad,” just plain awesome. 🙌🏻🏆 (And, as a fellow no-longer-twenty-year-old, I felt that!!) Was glad to see some clips in from CTU Provo. Those were some crazy stunts and fights! I remember wincing like crazy at some Jono falls in CTU, onto cement steps jabbing straight into his back, or getting thrown flat on the cement in the parking garage, several things. YEOWCH! But my kids I rewound Jono’s Big Jump several times! 🏅 And also when Alan + Jono jumped over the water! WHHAAATT‽ fantastic 😊


Behind-the-scenes fact: I wore a catchers pad backwards for that CTU Provo stair fall onto my back. Tucked it down the back of my pants and put my jacket on to cover it up. It covered my spine and my tailbone. Didn't feel a thing. Otherwise that stunt could have done permanent nerve damage. But seriously, thank you for the praise on the stuntwork, it means so much to me!

Kristine Amdor

Is there a secret internet archive of these college films? Because those look like absolute gems. 🤩