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Parenting is both one of life's greatest challenges and greatest joys. It’s also really hard. How do you do it? What are some of the best practices?

Your internet dads are here to help. This course combines family therapy studies and their own hard-won experience to give you their best parenting wisdom.




Currently on “parents as friends”, and omg: you guys talking about how sometimes you guys really can’t stand your kids, especially when you’re in a flow state… or when me and my hubby are in the middle of the conversation and our son keeps trying to talk to us. There were plenty of times that my hubby loses his temper and almost yells at him to shush. I am so guilty of not being on hubby’s side, and shaming him for losing his temper. And I do feel bad, but because our son does have speech development issues, for me any kind of him trying to communicate with us, and with hubby especially, is a good thing and I’m more afraid that him getting yelled at for trying to talk with us is going to stop making him want to talk at home. I know he’s chatty at school because his kindergarten teacher says he’s always trying to talk but whenever an adult tries he just clams up. I’m not trying to say I’m perfect either, cuz there’s plenty of times where I lose my patience and tells him to shush too. But knowing that it’s a common feeling, where sometimes we really don’t like having our kids, kind of helps me understand that it’s normal. Kids are annoying. And that’s ok. Not all adult friends of mine I like spending time with 24-7 either. Even my hubby. Also: getting my son to flush the toilet. DAILY BATTLE.

Jan Sapper

I've been running on fumes for a couple of months now and have stopped enjoying family time... I'm simply exhausted. There's a silver lining though, I can't wait for our new nanny starting in January with the hopes I can become a fun dad again. Not just seeing my time with the kids like something I have to “get through”. 🥴 That said, I learned so much here and even gained confidence in things I was already doig well but wasn't so sure of. Like toys on the floor not being yours anymore if left there. 😅