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  • lilac_practicerecord_realtake.mp3
  • lilac_practicerecord_realtake.mp3



Alright, my friends, here is the latest rough recording of Lilac. We are still figuring out the loop life proper (setting, maintaining, listening, following, triggering, etc.), but we're getting closer every time we try. Artists who loop live are no joke. It takes serious practice. When people do it flawlessly in front of me, the hours of trying just stack up before my very eyes.


what a wild time to be alive

people fighting over who to bribe/people clambering to take a bribe (options 1&2)

the last time anybody tried to shine a light

they ended up in prison,

exiled for life

I guess there's something in the air,

now we're aware of it

& you're scared of it

what'cha gonna do about it?


what a wild time to tell a lie

allies falling from the greatest heights

& I know that everybody falls sometimes

thought we used to catch the people

we relied on to fly

I guess there's something in the air,

now we're aware of it

& you're scared of it

what'cha gonna do about it?


oh, hide?

and cry?

get high?

and die,

in private?

prune that lilac with a fire axe

I just can't stand to see beauty like that


go wild

I guess there's something in the air,

now we're aware of it

& you're scared of it

what'cha gonna do about it?

I guess there's something in the air,

now we're aware of it

& you're scared of it



J Brig



heyyy, thanks for being one of the first discerning ears! in writing out the lyrics here, it seems the title could be read as lie, lack as much as lilac, but that would be far to literal ;)