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There are many things moving around in my life and my mind right now. Planning for a big Halloween art party, in the planning phase for a couple of big painting projects, wrote a new song and had a chance to workshop it on-stage a couple of times at the fair last week, finally got myself a car and gotta get myself to the dmv about it, moving into a studio space next month, garden is swelling with fruit. I'm pretty scattered in many directions--all very exciting, and in the dizzying place of almosts. I could really use a moment to sit and write. Thank you all for being a sounding board for the noise.


I sent 5 posters out to everybody on the mailing list a couple of weeks ago. Let me know if you didn't get yours. They're prints of the 6' tall tarot tapestries Sara and I collaborated on earlier this year & they look great under blacklight.



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