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July has been a wild month full of friendship and adventure. In the past two and a half weeks, I drove almost 1000 miles, wandered barefoot through a waterfall, dug gravel out of my knee after crashing my bike, played board games, drank beers with buds, gave a pit stop trail haircut with craft scissors, and burnt my thighs napping on my kayak in the sun. I finished my mask and carried it 12 miles strapped to my backpack to perform juggling tricks in the night. I dropped so many balls, and I caught a lot of balls too. I stayed up late with old friends and made more new friends than I could hold in my arms. I am so grateful for the generosity, presence, and kindness extended to myself and the greater creative community. The humanity of it all is overwhelming at times. I am ready to organize, purge, and buckle back in to my work space and brainstorm toward the next project/performance installment. Thanks for being a part of it.

Pictures and thoughts on process to come as I organize my studio and catalog the finished pieces:

  • Wheel of Fortune Mask
  • Blacklight Coleus patch
  • LED juggling video
  • New song


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