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Make Dimethyl Dioxane

In this video we make dimethyl dioxane from propylene glycol based antifreeze. Donate to NurdRage! Through Patreon (preferred): https://www.patreon.com/NurdRage Through Bitcoin: 1NurdRAge7PNR4ULrbrpcYvc9RC4LDp9pS Glassware generously provided by http://www.alchemylabsupply.com/ Use the discount code "nurdrage" for a 5% discount. Twitter: https://twitter.com/NurdRage Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NurdRage/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NurdRageYoutube/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nurdrageyoutube/


Michael Aichlmayr

OK, this may be a dumb question, it didn't hit me until I saw the diagrams in this version. What happens with the H2, S, and O2 that seem to be left over/behind in the synthesis and subsequent distillation? Does the H2 and O2 take their leave as gas and leave the S behind? Sulfoxylic acid (H2SO2) seems too unstable to be and end state. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) + oxygen (O2) maybe? (Or am I counting wrong?)


oh the diagram might be a touch misleading (but chemists always right it like that). The H2S04 isn't consumed, it's the catalyst, it's still around as H2S04. It's just in the tar now.


Would you please check out the suitability of dimethyldioxane as a solvent for Grignards instead of diethyl ether. If it works then it might open up the possibility of dirtier 'ghetto' Grignard ormation at higher temperature.


Have you looked into Isophytol or Cubebol for accessible high boiling point tertiary alcohols?