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VERY simple video. 

(this actually leads into much more complex projects like making the catalysts for making fuels)

Still have to add equations and such. Let me know if there are any questions i should address or additional info to round it out. 


Patreon Preview - Sodium silicate


Brian Reddeman

"Say why does your foundry smell like used kitty litter?" :)


yep, waterglass. And you're right, it would be more like gluing. Welding implies the glass itself is flowing and mixing, but it's not in this case.

Michael Aichlmayr

Unfortunately, as a glue, it remains water soluble and is very brittle. However, there are a bunch of interesting things you can do with it. I don't want to let any bags off any cats 🙀, I'm excited to see what Nurdrage will do with it, but one well known use for it is a treatment for cement to make it less porous, more waterproof, and more durable. This works because it reacts with Ca(OH)2 in the cement. It's fun stuff to experiment with. I've been buying it thus far, though I've wanted to make my own for a long time. This may be a simple video, but I doubt I would have made the connection. This is an awesome discovery!


If you made the ratio very low, (high in silica, low in sodium hydroxide), then at that point it's just glass and needs melting hot temperatures to weld. (although in this case it would be even worse as it would dissolve in water if given enough time. You need the calcium to bind it and make it waterproof)

Silviu T

Not to mention that sodium hydroxide attack on glass doesn't happen unless there's prolonged contact at high temperatures. With stirring. :)