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This plugin hide portion of female's skin with help of Texture Mask.

It can be used to hide skin part that is clipping with cloth or other cyber mods.

Curruntly work with female skin.


1.Load your mask in Cloths/Skin Hider Mask's  alpha texture slot. UV is same as currunt female skin. you can generate in skin setting and its also included in var package.

2. Add HideSkinByMask.cs to female atom. Thats it, you can change  mask again and it will be applied after few seconds.

Mask Texture should be pure Black and White, no gray colors.

Update -  fixed clearing alpha tex hide whole skin part.

If you are using AutomaticBodySmoother please update it to fix compatibility


Requested by WOLMARK




It seems that i can create mask as i want it to be. How can i do so. There is nothing about it except : Mask Texture should be pure Black and White, no gray colors. How to prepeare and where to put exact file ?


You can create it in photoshop or any other software. You should only use black and white colored brush to paint. Import that image in skin hider mask cloth's material. In alpha slot. Then load included plugin. You can put file anywhere in computer and load it cloth's material settings. You can extract uv texture from there too.