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Here is a fun little project I started sometime ago. As I am a fan of HMVs (Hentai Music Videos) I thought maybe I could program an app to help with that!

FapStation attempts to be a HMV generator app!
Simply supply one or more video clips and a music track, select the intensity level and
the app will try to sync everything to the beat along with some special effects!

First of all, a little safety heads up! The app should not be used by people that have epilepsy, photosensitivity or anything related. Strobe lights and sudden motions will be used and it's best for people who might be affected not to use it

Recommended are songs with defined heavy beats. For the video clips when choosing multiple, short loops work the best. Long videos work good when you select only one of them.

Do not overload the app with a LOT of videos because this may cause your system to go out of memory! Usually 1 to 10 video files per session are good!

Hope you have fun with it! 💖

DOWNLOAD (Windows 64-bit):



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