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We've reached the end of volume 8, and time is moving ever forward. Everyone supporting me here has enabled me to do something that I thought was largely impossible-- namely, work full time on creating a microcosm called Jackal Among Snakes. Whether you've been on this train from the beginning, got on midway, or jump on and off at certain stops, I appreciate all that you here on Patreon have allowed me to do.

A question I've got over this time is: when will it all end?

I had no answer for a while, so I just said, 'probably a while.' Now, though, I can give you something definitive.

The story will end at volume 12, and then we'll have an epilogue which will probably be about 50k words. Yes, I love long epilogues, how could you tell?

JAS began in November 2021, and during that time I've managed 8 books, each ranging from about 100k-130k words. It's relatively safe to say that volumes 9-12 plus the epilogue will take me about 1 year, but I make no promises. Ordinarily I'd say nothing and let things come as a surprise, but given the financial commitment people have made, I think transparency is key.

On that note, I'll be turning off annual subscriptions at the start of November. However, current annual subscribers can still renew (so far as I know) so please be careful not to be overcharged a few months from now. 

If you intend to stay with me until the end, you can lock in a 16% discount now (which was the highest I could offer). Elsewise, I just wanted to give full disclosure so no current annual subscribers feel they've been duped 4-5 months from now when/if they get charged again. I do intend to keep writing, but I understand that people might not care as much for the next series as they do this one. 

Anyway... yeah. I have another announcement coming relatively soon (Oct 25-26, assuming no delays/changes) that applies to people that have ears. I'll be finishing up a map of Vasquer and releasing it here in October, too.

I tried to take a step back from people, largely, and not respond to too many comments and all that stuff. A lot of it was not to put ideas about the story in people's heads, but another part of it was just that I'm a solitary person. It helped me enjoy writing and my life more, but I do think it may have hindered retention. That's a long-winded way of saying...

If you have any questions that don't require me to spoil the story, comment them! I'll try and answer the ones that show up for about a week after this post goes live.



Would you explore how the various endings of the game routes would play out if Argrave hadn’t been transmigrated? What would happen to Anne, Elenore, Galamon, Orion, and Duran.


The Veidimen invasion would be better timed, and the civil war would be very destructive, so the Veidimen would likely seize most of the eastern coast and eventually all of Vasquer. Galamon would support their armies as a mercenary, probably, but would remain a vampire. Elenore would be a malignance to both the rebels and the royal family, then defect to the Veidimen side, further crippling Vasquer. Anneliese would rise to extreme prominence as a spellcaster and strategist, and I think she'd succeed in killing Orion, who'd defend his homeland to the end. Durran would likely leave the Burnt Desert as an exile, if he didn't die. That's just off the top of my head. There are a lot of characters who'd be greatly impacted. I'd have to actually write and think it out further to be sure.


When can I buy a physical copy plz?


Thanks for writing this series man! This is the first ever Webnovel that I felt I had to pay to get more instead of sticking to the free stuff! You’re one of two novels that have pushed me to pursue writing myself, so thank you for inspiring me so much I actually decided to get off my ass and do something myself! Can’t wait to see how this ends (please let it be happy for Arg and Annie)


I look forwards to your next fiction. If it's anything like this one I'll be happy. We still have quite a road before that but it would be cool to see a science fiction world built with your style. If you do choose to do that I recommend that you do some research with spelljammer d&d videos or videos on how to balance high end play to be fun. I would also watch a bit of PBS Spacetime for some hard science foundation to know how to bend things with fiction, but generally a doom slayer kinda vibe is enough for most so sometimes less is more. As for Argrave I hope it's more like you would end the arc of Gerry thus closing out that journey, but something that would be interesting, really interesting is exploring other planets with magic. And their own planet even. One thing that always amuses me is when you have continental killing powers but you are stuck on that planet and think of only it in a galaxy of billions and billions of planets. What are the odds that there's even one percent of those having life and some small bit of that capable of magic. What would an civilization spanning multiple galaxies or even crazier multiple realities look like?