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Five B-rank mages versus two. It was an overwhelming disadvantage, if viewed without knowledge of who they were.

In reality… there was a reason Argrave had confidence enough to talk to Induen.

With the power of the Blessing of Supersession welling within his being, he lapsed into his strategy as though it were a habit. Four royal knights and Induen stood before him—he loosed [Pavise Gale] time and time again from his hands and Garm’s eyes both, preparing [Electric Eels]. The titanic conjured knights slammed their shields of wind into B-rank wards, chipping them away as quickly as they were placed. Argrave’s Brumesingers remained at his legs to defend him in case of stray spells. The rampant display of power left the royal knights only one option—a frantic defense. Even Induen, reckless as he was, remained safely behind their wards.

They thought to outlast him. It was standard for fighting mages—most B-rank mages could only just a few B-rank spells before being drained. That wasn’t an option for them, though. More and more eels joined up in the sky, sparking, waiting for an opening. Durran joined in, dropping his glaive and hacking with the Ebonice axe to aid in tearing down the wards before them. Eventually, they broke past the rightward knight’s ward, and a pavise struck the golden-armored man squarely in the shoulder. He took to the air towards Kin’s End, flying away dozens of feet while half-spinning from the power of the blow. Galamon, who’d jumped down from the walls of Kin’s End, fired an arrow at this knight when he landed, yet Argrave could not tell if it hit.

Induen shouted a command, and in a few seconds the strategy shifted. The royal knights pressed forwards with their wards, pushing Argrave back slightly so they could not draw near. When one ward broke, a knight pushed past with it, conjuring two blades of blood magic—the C-rank [Putrid Paramerion]. He thrust both towards Argrave as fast as Galamon might’ve. Mist warriors conjured by his Brumesingers rose to defend him.

Durran swung the Ebonice axe down before the mist warriors could do anything, catching one blade with the beard of axe. It dissipated in seconds before the magic-breaking axe. The knight was surprised the weapon could contest his own, but all too quickly grabbed Durran’s arm with his now-free hand. The other blade stabbed towards his back.

Yet Anneliese had not been twiddling her thumbs behind them. She cast the C-rank [Skysunder], and a bolt of white lightning struck the knight squarely on the chest. Durran winced as the lightning travelled into him, but he was not as severely affected as the knight. After disentangling, Durran pushed the spasming knight away, and Argrave finally rained dozens of [Electric Eels] on the man. To finish him, Argrave cast one more [Pavise Gale]. The tower shield swung by the knight struck his foe squarely in the breastplate, caving it in and sending the knight far away from the fight.

In a moment of laxness, Induen stepped forth. A guillotine blade of ice formed before the prince far too quickly, likely conjured by an enchanted ring, and hurtled towards Argrave. Anneliese stepped beside Argrave and conjured a ward to block it, yet the spell was powerful enough to shatter the ward in one blow. Though exposed, Argrave only tried to punish Induen for his overextension. His eels in the sky came down, but Induen retreated, replaced by B-rank wards conjured by his knights. Argrave abandoned the attack, and the eels danced gracefully backwards like a splash upon the surface of water without striking the ward.

Argrave suspected the only reason his foes had not fallen was because they used enchanted items to conjure their wards—they were faster and more numerous. Even still, he trusted in the Blessing of Supersession more than their enchanted items.

Argrave resumed his unrelenting assault once more. He felt like a commander of giants and a leader of titans as the countless knights of wind assailed his foes with earth-shattering blows. He was a Roman commander amidst his Legion, each and all battering against a foe that desperately clung to safety. And above it all, like a cloud of divine judgement… his eels grew in numbers by every passing second.

He barely heard an ordered series of whistles. Argrave saw the knight that had been blasted towards Kin’s End running behind Induen and continuing past him, heeding that command. He would be retreating, looking for allies. It’s fine, Argrave thought. Let him run. Anneliese made sure there were no forces for miles. One of his knights is dead or dying, the other is retreating. Fewer foes to contest.

The assault was noisy and eye-catching, and the residents of Kin’s End came to the walls to watch this happen. Countless pointed to the eels above Argrave, and yet more watched the relentless battering of conjured knights, blowing winds across the plains of wintry grass and disturbing the very earth.

Despite the relentlessness of Argrave’s assault… his opponent’s desperation was no less intense. Even with Durran aiding with the Ebonice axe, his foes seemed to have an unending supply of wards to block his spells. They were better equipped, without a doubt. He felt like a hammer striking down on an anvil.

As time passed, Argrave felt some urgency. Galamon rejoined them, taking the Ebonice axe from Durran and increasing the efficiency of the attack. Though strained… their foes refused to fall. He could see Induen desperately struggling to hold back the tide, both casting spells and using the enchanted items he wore on his person alongside his knights.

And then… the Blessing ended.

Great howling winds moved across the plains as the effect of the numerous [Pavise Gales] faded. Argrave stood there, his hands held out as Induen waited behind a shield of gold, breathing heavy. He slowly rose to his feet, and he and Argrave locked eyes.

“Defend me,” Argrave said loudly yet evenly. It felt unnecessary, for his companions and his Brumesingers were already doing that. In time with his command, the [Electric Eels] in the skies came to blanket them, swirling about through the air. They were like divers in the midst of an ocean surrounded by a school of swimming fish. As they were umbrellaed by the eels, the place grew all the brighter. All was bathed in a blue-white light of electricity.

Argrave held his hand out and cast a spell with his own magic. Two thick strands of blood erupted from his wrist. They took form in his hands, solidifying into a great recurve bow as tall as Argrave himself. He raised his other hand up, and an arrow took shape. He nocked the arrow for his [Bloodfeud Bow].

Induen could only wait on the other side of the ward, the thousands of [Electric Eels] swirling about around Argrave and the whole battlefield like some grim curtain of white death. He barked something—commands, questions, to his knights. He looked around panicked for any opportunity—any escape, any freedom. But escape was out of the question; Argrave would rain lightning upon them the second they were freed from the ward. As Induen looked for options, the dark red arrow on Argrave’s finger grew larger and larger.

Eventually, Argrave met Induen’s eyes. He had never seen this type of expression before. It was panic, anger, indignance, fear, all bundled so tightly together as to become another emotion altogether. The prince was tense, coiled like a rabbit ready to bolt. His eyes were pleading, almost, painted by the golden wards he hid behind.

The eels swelled outwards, then surged inwards towards the ball of golden light protecting Induen. As they passed by Argrave, he released the arrow. The scene ahead became a great blur of power, shattered golden wards, and white light. The electric eels struck the royal knights in the hundreds, turning them into a ball of light. Then, dirt and grass turned by the sheer power of the [Bloodfeud Bow] danced upwards into the air.

“If he’s not dead, cut his hands off, take his necklace,” Argrave said somberly, knowing Galamon would hear.

Galamon obeyed immediately, pushing into the great cloud of dust. Argrave could hear nothing at all. Dirt and grass peppered him from above. As the dust settled, there was a great gash in the earth ahead, extending for hundreds of feet. Induen stood at its beginning. The arrow of blood had struck the prince in the thigh, and his leg barely stayed attached to his body. He seemed to be unconscious. As Galamon ruthlessly obeyed Argrave’s orders, though, the prince awoke, screaming in agony.

Argrave stepped up to Induen, past his two dead royal knights. Hundreds of the eels still persisted, whirling in the air around Argrave as he walked. Induen gazed up at him with eyes full of hate, pain, and fear. Argrave scanned his body for enchanted items, ensuring he was at no risk.

“Search the bodies,” Argrave commanded loudly. “Take all of their enchanted items, barring the armor—we can’t carry that. After, move to the gates of Kin’s End.”

Everyone moved to obey Argrave’s order without a word, still consumed by the rush of battle. Induen breathed heavily, his eyes fluttering as he struggled with consciousness.

Argrave picked up Induen’s hand and began removing the rings from it, stowing it in his pocket. Induen tried to crawl backwards into the crater created by the [Bloodfeud Bow], but Argrave put his foot on Induen’s chest.

“You…” Induen said, voice hoarse and pained. “You’re no… brother of mine. You were useless. A waste of life,” he tried to shout, yet it was weak. “You’re not my brother!”

Argrave cast a simple D-rank ice spell that was no more than a spike and jammed it into Induen’s eye. The prince spasmed, his body losing focus, and then he sagged back. He didn’t care to hear anything more from him. Now was the worst time to grapple with emotions, feelings, or complex thoughts.

Argrave removed all the enchanted rings from Induen’s hands, including his royal signet ring, and then moved back to his companions. They robbed the dead as fast as they could, and then moved for the gate.

“Get the armor from Orion as quick as we can, if Induen wasn’t just lying,” Argrave said to his companions as they moved. “If people try and stop us, subdue them—don’t kill anyone.”

“Right,” Durran answered, everyone else responding similarly.

Argrave shouted warnings and assurances, and that was enough to cow the terrified crowd. They treated the four of them like calamities, doubly so because of the cloud of [Electric Eels] above Argrave. Everyone saw them, each of them.

The two sets of armor were sitting on a stand within the building Induen had been staying at. Galamon’s was a set of bleak gray plate armor that shone with protective enchantments on every portion. It seemed a ridiculously thick and heavy set. After tossing aside the helmet, knowing his own was better, Galamon started putting everything on, aided by Argrave.

Durran’s was a set of lighter lamellar scale armor. It was still made of wyvern scales, to Argrave’s surprise—he had not known Durran had requested it to be as such. It looked quite formidable, gleaming every bit as intensely as Galamon’s. Durran put it on with Anneliese’s help.

“Do we change our course?” Durran questioned as they armored up.

“Dozens of S-rank mages enforce the neutrality in the Tower of the Gray Owl,” Argrave said. “Felipe won’t risk making them an enemy, even for his son’s killer. If we get in before news reaches… they’ll protect us, even if dozens of mages break their oath of neutrality to earn favor with the king.” Argrave stepped to the window, looking at the tower. “So, we travel without sleep. Ride our horses ‘til they die.”

“What about getting out?” Anneliese asked. “The king will surely have the place encircled on every side—he’ll ensure there is no way for us to leave.”

“Magic,” Argrave said. “I’ll have to… curry favor with some people. Castro being the primary candidate… but others exist.”

“…are you okay?” Anneliese said with concern as she finished up with Durran’s armor.

He looked back at her. “I can figure that out later,” he said simply. “For now… let’s go.”



Good chapter

Orion Dye

So I kind of feel like this was a mistake. Argrave should have just passed Induen by rather than meeting with him or else given him a few platitudes and sent him on his way. Ultimately being known as a kinslayer will just make uniting the kingdom that much harder in the future. Further argrave is going through a meteoric rise in power at the moment, while induen will stay pretty much the same. In 6 months or a year, that confrontation would have likely been such an easy victory that Argrave would have been able to win without killing Induen. But Argrave was too emotional to see that, he was too scared. he shot himself in the foot long term for short term shadenfreude and relief from his irrational fears.

Matthew Lester

His brother was the knight that ran away he switched places with feels like.


How can he switch place? It's not like they were hiding their faces with helmets or something


Iunno, you're not wrong but Induen is also clearly a deranged sociopath killing people for the jollies. In addition, the other brother is clearly using Induen to sow disruption to further big G's ends, and was likely why Magnus was assassinated -to bury a wedge between Agrave and Orion. The main problem is now Orion will likely pin Magnus' assassination on team Agrave and turn on them.


He is not the one the will unite the kingdom tho, that is Mila's role, not his. He can't spend time becoming it's rule. All he needs to do is make the his father faction weaker so that the resistance can win

Matthew Lester

Magic or royal body doubles. The one that ran away didn’t get a description. He could really be dead but I feel like he was cowardly enough to throw someone else under the bus to run away.


Oo that would be interesting, but how would the magic have confused Agrave's magic seeing eyes?

Matthew Lester

A regular body double wouldn’t? I’m just saying this is actually pretty anticlimactic and the obvious crazy but intelligent antagonist may have gotten away. He could be really dead I’m not the author.


Nah this is too good of a chance to beat Induen. Induen didn't have a army with him, only a small number of guards, and clearly wasn't expecting a serious fight. Induen is also a psycho who the MC knows will gleefully backstab him if given the chance...but not before torturing and killing Annelise before him. Also the longer he is left alive will give Induen more chances to cause murder and mayhem on a large scale. That Argrave will be lots stronger in a year or 2 means nothing if Induen screws things up massively in the mean time. As far as uniting the kingdom goes someone has to be a winner first and he also clearly has no interest in being king. Getting rid of him ASAP was absolutely necessary.


A stellar death. I hope Argrave later regrets killing him. Can't help but feel Argrave was too hyperfocused on the Induen from the game and his crimes that he didn't see the actual Induen as a different person. His game knowledge is his biggest strength, but perhaps it is also a weakness when it comes to judging the people he encounters now, as they aren't the game characters he knew but real people.


Nah I don't buy it either. Argrave would know if it was Induen running. He'd also definitely know after inspecting and looting the body. No body double is THAT perfect.


Later regret killing him is LOL-worthy tho. Dude was intelligent psycho Little Finger-esque manipulator with lots of power, not just personally but also in terms of financial and legal and social power, and a hard on for causing maximum mayham. That is EXACTLY the sort've person you kill and then go to bed feeling good about killing. Heck we had access to Induen's thoughts via 1st person POV parts of the story. There wasn't anything worth saving or feeling bad about over there.


Don’t forget about the way Induen looked at Anneliese. Argrave knew what would happen to her if he didn’t deal with Induen at that very time.

Arexio R.

damn ruthless. there is no turning back now. how do you think orion will react? will he even be able to fulfill his promise to teach him? 😬


So the hands and eyes... Message to the bat?

Philipp Gawol

I was wondering if it'd have been better to leave him alive, after lobbing off his limbs, but the regrowth potion the MC plans on creating makes that too much of a risk. Handing him to the rebels is risky and demoralizing in nature. Just dragging him along with them is too much of a risk. He should've sent in more eels instead of manually executing him like that. Both in case of witnesses and for his own mental stability. There's a huge difference between executing someone in cold blood and someone just dying during the course of battle. . Killing him here is objectively the best option. I just disagree with the way it was done. The MC should've minimized battle, witnesses and physical evidence. A bit of plausible deniability is better than openly committing murder, even if the victim absolutely deserved it.


Is Induen dead or just crippled/unconscious ? The way it was written seems to suggest that he may yet live


I did not expect Induen to die this chapter. I thought he would be a major player in future events, and he would be able to escape Argrave. I guess I was wrong.


Yep, had a couple limbs hacked off too. So he'd bleed out in less than a minute anyways.


I mean killing him doesn't annoy me, leaving evidence (the knight who ran away) annoys me. It's just sloppy. If that knight hadn't escaped, Argrave could have made up any story he wanted. "A strange lightning bolt felt from the sky, I can't explain it either!".


The big problem with killing Induen is that Orion now gets involved in the civil war and ROFL STOMPS everyone. Without Induen, Orion would be doing his own independent thing - he wasn't interested in the civil war at all. But now, he will have a bone to pick.


Ok, now need to plan for stopping Orion from ROFL STOMPING everyone. Good luck with that. But the manner of death suggests that Induen may be [Resurrected] by the author thanks to Orion. One-eyed Induen coming back at empowered S-rank for Round 2.0 with Argrave. Why didn't he behead and burn his body to ashes ? He had sufficient Eels for that.

Doctor Zero

Ah, Induen. You were a mid-boss all along. Nice chapter, very good end to the Induen dilemma.


Given how paranoid he is, I’d think Agrave would have used the left over eels to disintegrate the body. Maybe something the author can add before posting live. As for those worried about Orion, he can truthfully say they got into a fight and were at odds where only one could survive… look what their father did to his daughter. Kinslaying is somewhat normal and encouraged in these royal families. The knight that ran off, it was mid battle so difficult to track him. Also, it’s safer to stay together pick up the special armour (put it on as it takes time) and high tail out. If not the one knight, there’s a possibility of Induen retainers blended in the village crowd that would send the news, perhaps even quicker through birds or magic.


That’s kind of unexpected and refreshing! Not every conflict needs to be drawn out.


Hi author, given feedback, maybe describe the ice spear through the eye - ie point blank range armour piercing spear it likely went right through to the other side of his head and nailed his head to the ground.


Grammar fix “most B-rank mages could only CAST just a few B-rank spells before being drained”


Thanks for the chapter! Please don't have Induen come back somehow! I feel that would be a plot tank for him instead of just armor.


I think the specification of D-Rank likely puts it as more of an ice pick, so even if it made it through the soft bone behind his eye, it wouldn't make it through the whole skull.