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I sighed when I heard the announcement of the next match. It wasn’t particularly comforting to know that your friend would soon be facing the toughest of the bunch. Nonetheless, there was little I could do. Zinuetet looked at me briefly before stepping forward to fight in the match. 

Vast walked to the place of battle casually with his hands held in his pockets. Zinuetet readied her spear, and took position. It seemed that she was taking this thing seriously. I suppose against Vast, you’d probably have to try seriously. 

They lined up, facing each other. Vast bowed, as he did before every match, and said some words. According to Day, he’d said, ‘May we both fight our best.’ He was really laying on the good guy look a bit thick, wasn’t he? Not that it mattered to me. As much as I hoped Zinuetet could win, I was most concerned that she didn’t end with an injury. 

And as though following an invisible signal, the match began, and the two ran forward to meet each other. Zinuetet used her spear to maintain a distance between herself and Vast. She held it in between them, threatening to poke and stab should he approach. Occasionally he’d kick at her spear in an attempt to knock it from her hands, but Zinuetet held it firmly in her grasp. 

But then Vast grabbed her spear beneath the spearhead. Zinuetet thrust forward powerfully, both the weapon and her body imbued with Primordial Energy. It broke free from his grip and rushed towards his body, but Vast nimbly side-stepped the attack. He stepped closer to Zinuetet and kicked at her chest. 

Zinuetet blocked the first kick with a barrier and her arm, but the second took her off balance. The third hit her squarely in the chest, even though she’d conjured a barrier in time to block it. She caught air, moving a few feet away, but managed to both land on her feet and keep the spear in her hands. 

Vast was unceasing in his assault. He closed the distance quickly and began his attacks once more, kicking out. To her credit, Zinuetet was doing better than most everyone who’d fought him. Three hits usually marked the end of the battle. But Zinuetet had no opportunity to attack. 

Vast stood on one foot and lashed out with his other as though it was a scorpion’s tail, stinging unceasingly and without mercy. Eventually, Zinuetet’s defense was overwhelmed, and she was struck in the stomach, whereupon she rolled to the ground some distance away. She used her spear to get to her feet, aware that being on the ground might mean her loss. 

When she’d come to her feet, Vast’s foot was coming towards her face with a ridiculous speed. It was the same thing that he’d done to beat Giir—a stomp to the face. I assumed that it would be over here. There simply wasn’t enough time to dodge the attack.

But perhaps I shouldn’t underestimate my little sister. 

She did manage to dodge, though only just. Vast hadn’t been expecting that, evidently. Zinuetet grabbed his leg to help herself to her feet, and then she rammed the back of the spear into his neck. She put a lot of power behind it, and forced Vast to the ground, the back of the spear on his neck. 

She spun the spear around and made to stab Vast, but he moved out of the way quickly, coming to his feet. Zinuetet’ spear struck the ground, and he made good use of the opportunity. He slammed the weapon with an extremely powerful kick, and it was pulled from Zinuetet’s grasp, where it clattered to the ground some distance away. 

He kicked at her face with a speed I’m certain would leave a scar… but then, there was a loud bang, like someone hitting a gong. Vast’s foot had met Ruel’s giant shield, and it shook dangerously, having just been struck, emitting a loud gong noise. Zinuetet and Day both immediately grabbed their ears. 

Day, in particular, started writing on the ground as though the world was ending. Vast took a few steps away, looking at Ruel. I once more recognized the slightest twinge of his fingers. Hmm… he doesn’t like being hit. Or maybe just interrupted. But Ruel, who was quite literally sitting on the edge of his seat, simply announced this.

“Vast wins.”

With that, Vast was defused. He let his arms fall to his side, where the twitching of his fingers stopped. Zinuetet had to have what Ruel said repeated, on account that she was blocking her ears from the loud ringing. She looked disappointed… but I was quite proud. Even Giir had not managed a hit, let alone one so solid. 

I gave her my brightest smile as she returned. “Look at this girl here. Could you imagine meeting yourself from a year ago? You couldn’t even bear to harm a fly, and now you’re hurting a mantis.”

Most of the squad crowded around—even Vast—to tell Zinuetet that she did an excellent job. Zinuetet lowered her head to the ground, ever loathing being the center of attention. I let the issue die there, and before long, everyone left her to be in peace. 

“You did do amazing, though,” I clarified quietly as we watched the next unimportant match happen. 

She looked at me and stared for a moment, and whispered back, “You think?”

“Absolutely.” I nodded my head. “I’m proud of you. You’ve grown a lot… both in height, and in skill. Heh, maybe you’ve grown so much that my pride won’t mean much. After all, why value the opinion of someone worse than fighting than you are?” I chuckled softly.

Day watched our conversation, his eyes jumping back and forth between both of us like a game of Pong. 

She sighed. “It took me a while… but I think that I can finally stop being a burden.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You still remember saying that, even a year later? I don’t think that you were ever a burden, really. If anything, you helped me stay focused. And you’ve certainly helped me realize some things. Things that don’t come easily in a guy as self-absorbed as I am.”

“I wish I had a sister.” Day scratched at his legs. “Sounds nice. I get to brag when I want to brag. I get to be proud when she does well. Too bad my parents are dead. Can’t breed when you’re dead. Heh.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Day’s terribly timed comment. 

“Next match—Giir and Casimir.”

I turned my head away when I heard my name. Ruel was looking at me expectantly. Though, what he expected, I’d no idea. Oh. Fantastic. Time to be slammed around by a behemoth. I wonder, can I fake an injury, or do I need to get a doctor’s note to be held out of this class?

I walked up to the front slowly. Yeah, that’s right. I was going to take my time. It’s sort of like the long build up before skydiving or jumping off a cliff into a pool of water. You had to take some time to build up to it. Couldn’t just plunge in. 

Giir was already waiting for me in front of Ruel when I arrived. He was as quiet as ever. Maybe I just drop to the ground and say, ’heart attack!’ Though I don’t know if I can have a heart attack anymore. Maybe it would’ve been wise to read some medical books in the library. 

I sighed, standing opposite Giir, my left side facing towards him. “Let’s just get this over with.”


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