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Given people's unanimity in preferring Devil's Debtor, I've decided to shelve the parody and work on it for fun, on the side. If some good jokes about the genre I write in come to me, I'll write a thing or two. But upon reflection, I think people are right in saying a longer series with a parody would be challenging to make a full book of, let alone a full series.

Anyway, here are three synopses. I've heard numerous time my synopses suck. I'd like you to pick your favorite, and hopefully, get a better grasp on the story along the way.

Text preview still coming tomorrow!

Synopsis 1

Work twice as hard to live half as long; that’s the deal the world gave him. Is it any wonder why he chose the devil’s offer, instead?

Urban spent all of his life moving through time at twice the speed as others. Everyone, including his own father, deemed him physically and mentally challenged. In reality, time itself had cursed him. Enduring for thirty years, he finally finds the method to take control of his curse clenched in the jaws of a devil. Though bound by its debt, the fiend gives him the power to steal back any new time he feeds the curse, warping backward in time proportional to how much it eats.

With his lifetime’s curse now his primary blessing, Urban sees fit to tread paths that had been so long denied to him. Though disinherited by his father and tightly bound to a mendicant monk order, he nevertheless intends to master the System that lends men and women power unimaginable. His desire is part ambition, and part necessity.

After all, the devil needs its due.

Synopsis 2

Being born at the summit makes the descent all the more painful. The fallen seldom crawl back up. When they do, the mountain changes.

Urban once stood upon the summit, being the eldest child of one of the most powerful nobles in the land. His curse, however, doomed him to perceive the flow of time moving twice as fast as an ordinary person. After ruthless experimentation to fix him, his father deemed him a lost cause and banished him to a mendicant monk order that operated in the frontier of the empire’s war.

Disinherited, forced into poverty by his new brothers in the order, and wandering a warzone, Urban was expected to die. Instead, he survived for ten years on grit and spite. His resilience and patience pay off when he finally sees a path to ascend the mountain he’d been cast from. A deal with a devil bestows him the ability to steal back the new time he feeds the curse, sending him backward proportionally. Armed with this, Urban begins his journey home.

And he has a debt of blood to repay.

Synopsis 3

The new world threatens to destroy the old. Something either far greater or much worse promises to rise from the ashes. One man holds the reins to it all.

In ancient times, humans were granted power from the system by slaying the monsters that preyed on people. Mankind won that war, establishing a nation for the powerful few to protect the plentiful weak. When no more evils hounded their homes, their craving for power turned them to seek other sources: each other. The great empire of yore fractured as mortal killed mortal, their clashes centralizing at the Delta.

The discovery of a new, untamed continent teeming with monsters has intensified these struggles as three great nations vie for sole ownership of this new world. Urban, a mendicant monk cruelly disinherited by his father, enters a deal with a devil to rid himself of a curse that robbed him of time. Though placed deep into debt, he’s armed with the ability to steal back any new time he feeds the curse, travelling to the past.

In this time of change, will his desire for revenge destroy the hope for something better?

