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Hello everyone!

I think it's high time to organize a request event.

This event, unlike the others, will last until the end of December (December 31, 2023).

This will give you plenty of time to ask me for your request.

Event rules:

- Every patron can ask me for a request.

- I don't ask for gore.

- You can ask for SFW or even NSFW.

- Your requests will first be in outline form, then you can ask me to make the necessary changes, and from there I'll finalize it.

- If your request is the creation of a brand new original character, please give me as much detail as possible in your comments or by private message.

- Not all your requests will be drawn in the end, but I'll do my best to work on as many as possible.

Oh, and if you've asked me for something I've forgotten to do, you can remind me in the comments.

To take part in this event, leave me a comment on this post, or if you're shy, leave me a private message.



I'm in, I think we've srarted discussing it on telegram


Thomas offers Dino soda to three new gym bros who enter the gym. The first, a shorter wrestler, willingly drinks it and transforms into a powerful rex like Thomas. The second gym bro, a runner, worships his friend’s new body and through sex is also transformed into a thick muscle allosaurus. Then Thomas leads the two transformed friends into convincing the last friend (a shyer newbie) to drink the soda to become a huge ankylosaur. They all have sex and live happily ever after 🦖