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I just wanted to take the time to say sorry for my absence. Things in my life had gotten quite chaotic for a while and I was unable to dedicate all the time I one did to creating. But! That is now going to change. I AM BACK!~ I thank you all for your patience and kind words during these last few months, and I greatly apologize for the slow updates at times.

Now that my life is somewhat getting back to normalcy... I finally am going to get to some long awaited updated and additions to SCCO as well as my other mods.

Things coming soon include:

  • A new update to how "EA Adjustments" works to remove any possible way of incompatibility with EA ingredient(s) changes by other creators. This is already in the works, and should be done by Halloween.
  • All EA Recipes in SCCO are being re-made, and re-updated. This will include changes to prices per serving size, what ingredients are required to make a dish, all ingredients will now call for only tags {"Any __"} this way any ingredient by another creator can potentially be compatible if an SCCO/SCCOR tag is included on their item.), Many new optional ingredients to use with the mod, new ways to shop for groceries+, and more! Some of these changes are already in the works. I also have a returning member to my team that will be assisting me going forward with these updates so they can make it to you as soon as possible!
  • PlantSim Lives update! You will have more optional files added to make your PlantSims exactly how you want them to be. Some changes/additions will also be made to recipes and things PlantSims interact with in their lives amongst the humans.
  • Bonehilda Alive will be getting its long awaited resurrection, with new features and possibilities to make your favorite skeleton maid be a part of your life.
  • New Custom Recipes Monthly!
  • Game/Stream nights! I will hosting my first official stream around Halloween. Where you can come hang with me and watch me play some games occasionally as well as show off some of the things im working on and how things are made. :) 

Custom Recipe Suggestions

I now have the ability to get back to one of my favorite things to make for The Sims 4. Custom Recipes! Starting this month, there will be new recipes released throughout the month. This release schedule of being random will continue until the end of the year. You will get no less than 2 recipes per-month.
After the first of the year, I will start making a monthly post in/around the 1st of each month showcasing the custom recipes you will be getting for that month. All other mods/releases/updates will be random as usual throughout the month. :)

What I need from all of you, is some of your favorite recipes!! I am looking for your favorite recipes for Fall/Halloween time. Be sure to let me know why you enjoy these recipes, or any special things it brings to you. :)

Please list out in the comments below any recipes you would like to see for the Fall/Halloween season and I will be making a few from the comments, as well as some of my own personal favorites!


Doreen Masgula

How about Golabki (stuffed cabbage)? My mom used to make them and would put sauerkraut in between each row of stuffed cabbage; yumm :)

Russian Succubus

I'm so excited! I hope a suggestion of mine gets picked. <3


So so happy you're back! And Im so intrigued/excited by the EA Adjustments workaround for other creator compatibility


Welcome back!

Perfect Cyan

Glad you’re back, and I hope you’ve been well. Could you make some Halloween candy or foods? Pinterest has a lot of holiday food and drinks images you could use for inspiration.

Nicole puiia

Idk how infant food works at all but custom infant maybe or tod food that’s NOT full of sugar and won’t turn them into Hellions would be great! Such limited tod options even with all the food creators. I play on long lifespans so it gets very boring with their food. Looking at Halloween themed online I’m seeing some cute finger sandwiches and bento box type meals! Bento boxes would be so cute 🥰 Could probably expand on that for every age group honestly. A kid one then maybe one more for teen+. Could use them as sack lunches too