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I have finally decided it was time to remove my custom recipes from Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul so those that wish to use them without the overhaul can.

It is recommended that you use Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul with these custom recipes for the best experience.

If you do not use SCCO, you will need to use the "SCCO "Any Ingredient" Cooking Tags Resource" (aka SCCOR) which adds the ability for recipes to use custom ingredients to craft recipes. You can get these ingredients from SCCO or other compatible creators.


What you Need

  • 1. SCCO or SCCOR (Do not use both)
  • 2. The Main Files + Script from this post.
  • 3. The recipes of your choosing.


The Recipes ~

You can find a full spreadsheet with a list of all my custom recipes here on the spreadsheet. This includes ingredient/skill/etc requirements for each dish.

The recipes currently included in this file were removed from SCCO v5.0.0 and made standalone.
All current recipes will be getting updates, as they are updated a Download link will be added to the doc for individual information about the recipe and its direct download.
Until recipes are updated you will only be able to download the "All Recipes" file from this post. These are my recipes as they were in version 4.9.1 of SCCO.

Suggest a Recipe

If you are interested in suggesting recipes to be added to the game you can stop by my Discord and let me know in #recipe_inspiration !

Help & Support

If you need help or are experiencing issues, please come by Discord for assistance. This is the best place to get one on one help.

Updates 1.0.0 to 1.1.0

  • / Fixed missing string names during the inspired mood.
  • + Added ability to craft my new (Pt. 1) Halloween recipes.

Coming Soon 

... Updates to add the ability to craft recently created recipes by other SCCO-compatible creators. This update will be coming in the next week or so.

... Pt. 2 Halloween Recipes!



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