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I absolutely love PlantSims! Since TS2 they have been one of my favorite life states. Sadly in TS4 they were added as a temporary life state, which was a big letdown. Most people don't even know about them unless they played the game during the 2016 Spring Challenge. 

This mod is here to fix that and bring a more permanent PlantSim play style. 

How to Become a PlantSim

With this mod, there are multiple ways to become a PlantSim depending on how you want to experience it. 

  • "Plant-a-Sim" EA Scenario

The new EA scenario allows you to start/choose a household to start the "PlantSim Challenge". Once you start the scenario your sim will have a "Forbidden Fruit" in their inventory. Eat the fruit to become a PlantSim.

  • Reward Store Trait

With 500 reward points, you can purchase the "PlantSim" reward store item. This will give your sim a "Forbidden Fruit" in their personal inventory. You can then eat it to become a PlantSim. 

  • Mysterious Tree Adventure - Willow Creek

If you befriend the Mysterious Tree near the "Crick Cabana" lot in Willow Creek eventually it will open up a secret door for you to explore. If you successfully complete the adventure you will be asked to go to "Sylvan Glade", once you travel there your sim will be given a "Forbidden Fruit" in their personal inventory.

Difference between EA PlantSims & PlantSim Lives

  • Be a PlantSim Forever

With PlantSim Lives, there is no longer a time limit on being a PlantSim. You will be a PlantSim forever unless you take the cure to turn your Sim back into a human.

  • Use Any Hair! 

With PlantSim Lives you are able to use any hairstyle on your PlantSims. You are no longer limited to the short hairstyle EA forced PlantSims to have.

  • Less Idle Animations

PlantSims have 2 idle animations they do. One during photosynthesis and one randomly where they grow these little leaves as pictured. With PlantSim Lives I have reduced how frequently this happens. So PlantSims will only do these idle animations occasionally instead of pretty much every 5 sim minutes.

Custom PlantSim Interactions

With this mod, you will find new interactions for PlantSims and for other sims to use with PlantSims. More interactions will be added over time. 

  • Friendly | Complain About Aphids - A PlantSim when sad/stressed/uncomfortable will get this new interaction. 

  • Friendly | Complement Foliage - Any sim can complement a PlantSim. 

  • Friendly | Discuss Gardening Tips - PlantSims can talk about gardening tips with other PlantSims.

  • Friendly | Enthuse About PlantSims - Any sim can enthuse about PlantSims to a PlantSim.

  • Friendly | Talk About Nature - Any PlantSim can talk to any other sim about nature. 

  • Funny | Joke About Devils Lettuce - Any PlantSim can tell a joke to another sim.

  • Romantic | Complement Aroma - Any PlantSim can complement another PlantSim.

  • Self Interaction | Go on a Nature Walk - Any PlantSim can click on themselves to go on a nature walk. 

I also recommend these awesome interactions by Triplis "PlantSim Interactions Mod". These do work with this mod! :)

Custom PlantSim Food/Drinks

PlantSims generally do not eat. They need sunlight to fill their hunger motive. But on cloudy days there is no sun and your PlantSim could starve! So I have added the following items that your PlantSim can eat/drink to satisfy their need for sunlight.

These items can be found on any EA fridge/stove in the new "PlantSim" menu. If you use my Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul mod then this menu will be under the "Make Custom" > "Occult" menu.

  • Liquid Sunshine - A canned drink. Requires no skill level. Will fill "Hunger" motive.

  • Bottle of Water - A bottled drink of water, that is refillable. Will fill "Water" motive.

  • Bowl of Sunshine - A soup-like food, comes in single (1), family (4), and party (8) serving sizes. Requires level 7 Homestyle skill. Will fill "Hunger" motive.

Plant Tattoos - CAS

You will find 2 new tattoos in CAS, these are unisex. One is a remake of The Sims 2 PlantSim tattoo that covers the entire body, the other is a small flower located at the back of the neck. Each tattoo comes in multiple opacities.

How to Stop Being a PlantSim

If you no longer wish to be a PlantSim then you can spend 500 reward store points to buy the "Plantophic-C" PlantSim cure. Once you buy the reward item it will be found in your sims personal inventory. Once they drink it they will become human again.



This mod is not compatible with any mod that alters the EA PlantSim tuning.  

This mod overrides most PlantSim tuning. 

A complete list of tuning overrides coming soon.


How to Install

  • 1. Download the zip file.

  • 2. Unzip with WinRar or 7zip.

  • 3. Put the extracted package and script in your Documents/Electonic Arts/Mods folder. Make sure that the script files are no more than 1 folder deep or the game will not read them.

  • 4. Make sure Script Mods are enabled in your in-game settings.

  • 5. Enjoy!




Does this still work with the latest patch?


Yes you can check the status of my mods on my mod status tracker on my website SrslySims.net


Thanks! Better Exceptions identified it as an out-of-date mod so I wanted to make sure it wasn't broken. Your blank saves are a godsend, btw ♥


Thank you soooo much! This is inspiring me to make more Plantsim hairs. Also, you can use Fomimi's Less Green Plantsims to keep your sim's skin color from being changed.


Depending on what file is used to change this that might not be compatible. I'll go check it out soon. if it's not compatible I'll add an optional file for no skin color change.


A really amazing expansion that makes playing this lifestyle much more enjoyable and compelling, love what you've done so far and excited to see where you take it, as I'm sure more integration with gardening, herbalism, camping in Outdoor Retreat, or Cottage Living/Eco Lifestyle/Jungle Escape or other nature-based skills/gameplay could be interesting!


Glad you're enjoying it. I'm super excited to develop it further and yes for sure going to touch on all things nature related in one way or another. If you ever have any specific ideas feel free to let me know in the suggestion channels on Discord. I'm always happy to have feedback and hear ideas.


Its already so great so congratulations for even figuring out how to make this and have it be so robust as is! And awesome, I should join anyway because of all your fantastic recipes, I didn't realize you also had a channel!


Um...actually, if you go through the tree in Willow Creek, you go to Sylvan Glade. In order to get the Forbidden Fruit, you have to collect all of the special seeds found in the Rare seed packets. When you have them all, buy the stump from Build/Buy. Place all of the seeds in the stump and water them. It bursts into an obviously magical tree with an open door. If you go into THAT tree, you come out with a forbidden fruit. Which, by the way, you can plant and it will grow into a tree that you can harvest forbidden fruit from.


This is a mod. it functions as it says above in the post, I made it function that way. You can go through the mysterious tree with this mod to get a forbidden fruit. Yes you can also use the PlantSim tree that is grown with the stump and magic beans as well, which is how you EA default become a plantsim before the scenario was added. I know how the mechanics of EA works, this is a completely modded addition for those that don't want to go through the steps of seed packets. I do plan to make additions to the mod on how the magic beans are obtained which is why I haven't touched on it in this post.


So you can't access Sylvan Glade anymore?


Two modders benhuide (I'm pretty sure that's misspelled) and GoodBoyGonebad have made some mods for plantsims Benhuide made a mod for Plantsim Bloodlines and Either He or Goodboygonebad made another mod called Steel Stynum (basically the steel bladder trait for plantsims water motive), and another modder created some sunlamps that fill a plantsims that act like the sun for indoors, would it be possible to make your mod compatible with theirs?


Let me take a look into these mods, if there is a way to make them compatible I'd be happy to.


Spanish Translation of this mod here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/68872257 Love your work! Keep updating it! This mod is absolutely awesome.


Actually, the mods you mention are fully compatible with this one.


I was here specifically to see if Baniduhaine's Plantsim Bloodlines was compatible, happy to see this.

Mira Frenzel

FYI as far as I can tell, this will also set all life stages to 3 days on a long lifespan play (version 1.90).


As mentioned in my mod status tracker this mod is currently broken due to traits needing to be updated. This will be updated soon for the new high school pack. Keep an eye out on the mod status tracker or come by my discord to keep up to date


Will definitely bookmark the mod status tracker for this mod. It's my favourite of yours. <3


Hey Srsly! Thanks so much for the update! I've been dearly missing my Sulani PlantSim. Can't wait to play with her again. :)

Jasmine Infiniti

Thanks for this but was wondering if there will be a version to also keep your skin from being green?


Yes, I have been asked to make a version for no skin color change. I would be happy to make a version for that with my next update of the mod. :)

Simon Dufresne

Finally, some love sprinkled on our neglected plantsims! Love the compatibility with Triplis' mod, the poison kiss is such a cool idea and it really elevates them to full-on occult status. I am already using Spinningplumbob's fairies vs witches mod, which impacts the Sylvan Glade. I will download your mod and see if they clash. If not, how cool would it be for fairies and plantsims to be sharing the glade? :)


It should be totally fine and compatible. Do let me know if you happen to come across an incompatibility and I'd be happy to look into it.


SO many requests!! (All because you have got my imagination fired up) 1) Sunlamps 2) VItamin D tablets 3) Can Plantsims somehow reproduce by planting their seed and harvesting it like cabbage patch babies?? I saw someone in Russia did this for Sims 3 and it looks soooo cuuuute. 4) Maybe you could use the Cowplant as template to create new "sentient" plants that only Plantsims have special social interactions with. It would be nice if they could get all of their social needs (even romantic?) from a plant. 5) Ability to bring a frail plant to thriving 6) They have a horrible allergy to pollution (could be an add on file for Eco Living) 7) Maybe if they stay in one place for too long they start to set roots? This could be metaphorical and be a mood buff. 8) Maybe they can "grow" produce on their person (just pops into their inventory) once they reach a certain skill level. 9) they can eat fertilizer for more vitamins 10) Plant nursery 11) The mother plant from Strangerville never harms them. They have a positive relationship. That's some stuff off of the top of my head