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You can find the current status of all my mods above. 

I recommend you remove all of the mods of mine that are broken if you are updating. DO NOT update and use the broken mods. You have been warned.


I will be working as fast as possible to get all of my mods updated and working again. But this is going to take a bit of time. All of my larger mods are broken, majorly broken. 

This includes Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul. 

SCCO will need changes to every EA recipe. All purchase menus remade. All packaged items that can be opened to get ingredients are broken. Custom harvestables are broken. The list goes on... and on... 

At this point, there is more broken with SCCO than working. 

My goal is to get the current version (3.7.0) working as it did prior to the update. So those that have updated their game can at least work with what is already been available. 

As for all the new changes coming with SCCO and Cottage Living such as new grocery shopping features, new EA ingredients, etc. All these types of changes will be made later. But once the current version of SCCO is working again, you will be able to use it with the new pack.

Please be patient and bear with me while I work on these updates. This is probably the worst patch I have ever had as a modder (same for many other modders in the community). EA has changed soooo sooooo much. 

I will have more updates coming. You can check my mod status tracker at the top of this post to check if things have been updated.

Thank you all for your support, and I will be working tirelessly to get these updated for all of you.




Take your time sweetie and thank you in advance. <3

Doreen Masgula

Virtual warm cookies and lots of your favorite coffee/tea/soda to help you get through fixing the huge mess that is todays patch :).


Thanks for the update. I feared this would be a bad one for you. Take your time and take care of yourself!


Oh man this is a big patch that broke a lot of mods. I went ahead and just deleted all from you for now. I really look forward to the new updates, I love your mods so much. Sending big hugs. <3


Thanks :)


I knew this update was going to be a doozy and since your cooking mod has become one of my favorites I decided to go ahead and join your Patreon.


I think many of us who appreciate and use your mods knew this was coming. This is by far one of EA's greatest and long awaited expansions so it's safe to say the modding community knew we would have to exercise great patience in the upcoming weeks. Thank you in advance for your tireless effort in bringing us amazing game changing content.

Rowe J

Your cooking mod is my game's lifeblood. I cannot play without it! Take all the time you need, however! :)

trenia lane

We got you, take the time you need!


Appreciate you endlessly.


I knew SCCO was going to be a big one... take your time!!


Gurl I can't even imagine all the changes you'll have to make for SCCO 🤯 take ur time luv you 😘


Thank you for the info. Take as much time as you need!

Little L

Thank you so much for your amazing work, we will be patient :-)

Mendota Kelly

No worries I am happy to wait, after all with your mod I already had what CC is offering. And we all know where Maxis got their ideas from... Yes the telemetry they use isn't for nothing.


WOW....that's heavy!!! Thanks, Soma! You're a champ. I've been ridin' w/ you and Munmun from the beginning & we simmers knew that when Maxis imputed your collective genius into their game, we were in for a wait, so, just call me Cap'n Patience! Update on hold for me!

Ree Barkla

Its a pity EA don't give moders like you a heads up about what they plan to change. I wait patiently for you to get SCCO working again, its one mod I always play with. Thank you for creating it.


That sounds like an IMMENSE amount of work! I'm happy to wait for as long as it takes. SCCO has added immeasurably to my enjoyment of the game, and quality mods like this are absolutely worth waiting for. Good luck with the changes, and thank you!

Prahkeet-Mama P Sims

I will happily wait and I'm excited to see what you have in store for us using the new features!

Michelle Saunders

I am so excited it is one of my favorite mods. I use it all the time. You do such great work.


Thanks for all your hard work, just take your time.

Chava Baht Zion

I refuse to play my game without this mod. This along with a few others give my game life. I'll wait until all the updates are ready so i can resume gameplay. For now, I'm playing the sims 3.


Aww dang seeing this makes me wanna put my computer up for the night. Had no idea that the mod wasnt updated, Ill wait because gameplay would be nothing without this mod.