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I am currently working on overhauling Bonehilda that came with Paranormal Stuff!

While I'm working on it, I wanted to get some feedback from those wanting more life from the Bonhilda aspect of the game.

What features do you not like about the Paranormal stuff Bonehilda?

What features do you wish she had?

Come discuss in the comments below! :)



Mine seems to be perpetually flirty. What with her and Guidry, who thinks of nothing else, my poor sim is starting to feel icky. So less pink bar please? :)


The coffin maybe? Or the fact that when she gets in the tub, she becomes a regular sim. Or the ability to have her stay around longer.


Coffin is already almost done. :) I can for sure look into this "normal Sim" after bath nonsense... We for sure can't have that! I will also have options for her to stick around.


Same. Less flirty and more helpful would be great. I've just stopped summoning her because she's useless and then goes away after 2 hours (like any other visitor).


I agree with Ellen K but also it would be nice if she helped tend garden if needed when she's around. Also, is it just me or does she constantly run off home lot to clean the neighborhood?


IIRC one of the descriptions suggested on taking her with you on the ghost busting freelance job but she just stands around doing nothing. It would be great if she could help "clean" puddles of ghost poo, too. Like how Guidry will occasionally kick a glowing hand thingie.


Yeah, they have her autonomy set to be able to do things off lot. Instead of forcing her to stay at the home lot when summoned (like maids/butlers)


I don't have the pack yet (I might wait for it to go on sale), but maybe a way to summon her without doing the ritual? 'Cause I kind of want the pack for the Build/Buy items and CAS items and our queen, but I don't want anything to do with the more paranormal part of the pack.

Aaliyah Durgan

I dont think she does laundry in 4 I think that would be helpful!


I would love to see the ability to set a routine or priority for Miss Bonehilda- something like 'Cleaning' or 'Gardening' or even 'Childcare' would be nice. It would also be cool to have a way to keep her around- maybe a binding spell or something? Or an in-inventory item that allows you to summon and dismiss her... or you bribe her with a drink to stay a few more days!