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For Halloween this year I wanted to do something special. I have finally been able to complete the "Bonehilda's Alive" mod! Where you can have your very own live-in NPC Bonehilda to tend to your household needs.

Bonehilda functions like a butler and has many of the same interactions as EA butlers. You can hire a Bonehilda and a Butler at the same time!

Packs Required for Mod:

  • Vintage Glamour Stuff
  • Jungle Adventure
  • Realm of Magic

Requires at least ONE of the following:

  • Realm of Magic
  • Vampires
  • Get to Work
  • Island Living

How to Hire

Bonehilda is part of the supernatural realm and takes her orders from her employers at the magic realm. Because of this, only Occult can hire a Bonehilda. Humans cannot hire a Bonehilda.

Occults Included: 

  • Spellcaster
  • Vampire
  • Alien
  • Mermaid

On your occult sims phone, under "Household" you will find a new option to "Summon Bonehilda". 

Once Bonehilda has been hired she will report to your home. 

Assign Bonehilda a Bed

Once a Bonehilda arrives at your home, you will then be able to assign her a bed. 

Like butlers, Bonehilda will prefer to spend her "free time" near her bed. So if you wish to designate a room for her she will primarily stay in that room.

Bonehilda Abilities

Bonehilda has most of the same abilities as normal EA butlers, as well as a few custom ones.  Just like EA butlers, Bonehilda cannot be performing another task when you ask her to do something. If this happens there will be a pop-up notification telling you to wait until she has completed her current task. Once she has, you can try to make her do her appointed task again.

*NOTE: Some options will not show up unless you have the objects required to complete the action. (I.E - Pumpkin Carving requires Pumpkin Carving Station, Clean up toys requires toys, etc etc)

Below is a list of all of her current abilities:


  • Reprimand 
  • Praise
  • Tip (§100)

Food & Drink

  • Cook Family Meal
  • Cook Group Meal
  • Prepare a Bar Drink

Pet Care 

  • Fill All Pet Bowls
  • Clean Up Pet Toys


  • Water Plants
  • Rake Leaves


  • Clean a Dirty Object


  • Repair an Object


  • Play Guitar
  • Play Piano
  • Play Violin
  • Perform Comedy Routine
  • Dance on Dancefloor
  • Use DJ Booth


  • Ignore Front Door
  • Dismiss All Visitors
  • Invite All Visitors Inside


  • Stop/Start Attending to Minors
  • Stop/Start Cleaning
  • Stop/Start Gardening
  • Stop/Start Repairing Objects


  • Carve a Pumpkin

Child Care

  • Attend to Minors
  • Clean Up Children's Toys

How to Fire Bonehilda

When you no longer need Bonehilda you can fire her by the "Dismiss Bonehilda" button under the household section of your phone. She will complete her current task and leave your home. 

You can hire another Bonehilda at any time if one is no longer in your service.


Known Issues:

Sometimes a bonehilda is spawned with high weight. Where her bones clip through her dress. If you have this issue turn on "testingcheats on" "cas.fulleditmode" and "shift+click" the sim and edit their weight lower to stop the clipping. 


Update version 1.1.0 to version 1.1.1

/ Fixed Missing language strings. Menus will no longer be blank for users not playing in English!




Hello, I cannot get my Bonehilda to show up....I summoned her with a spellcaster on the phone, but she doesn't come to the house. I tried a second time, just to make sure I actually hired her, and it says a Bonehilda already works for me. How to fix?


That is because this mod is currently broken. You can see the status of my mods on my mod status tracker. It's in my discord and pinned here on Patreon. This mod is being remade, but the person that was working on the remake vanished. So I'll be doing it alone, not sure when I will have an update. But you can keep an eye out for my announcements.


Thanks for letting me know! Love your mods!! :0)

Ryuzaki Negative

Yyyyeeeeeees! So excited to try it out, thank you!!


Thank you!!


Thank you so much!!! <3


This is AWESOME <3 Ive always had your bonehilda cc and have her live somewhere, now she can serve all the spellcasters too XD

Latesha Coleman

i believe you just granted every simmers wish for her return. thank you <3<3


OMG this is so cool :D A question, since "only spellcasters can hire", how about vampire witches? I just felt like she would fit perfect in Vlads house haha


I could add vampire to it. But as of right now only those flagged as spellcasters have the option.

D. Kun

How can I get the white bones bonehilda?


It's random when you load in the save. She's based off the jungle adventure skeleton so she can randomly have black, jewel, and white bones. Just save your game and come back in. Sometimes it will change.


Question! Can my SIM marry this best skeleton maid? :)


At this time no. Since she functions as a skeleton from Jungle Adventure. It actually uses a pre-existing sim in your world instead of creating a new one. Temporarily turning them into a Bonehilda for her stay at your home.


Unfortunately, interactions, in Polish version are blank. I think the mod file is missing a language string (other than English).


Just wanted to let you know this didn't work in my game. No option to summon her on the phone. Was playing as spellcaster.


thank u! i love this mod <3