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The mods main page found here
The most recent changelog can be found here.

There is a .txt document included in the download to walk you through installing SCCO. 
If you have any suggestions, questions, or issues please join my Discord for more help! 

Before installing, be sure to remove all previous versions of SCCO & Clear your Cache!
How to Install Guide Here

This mod comes with the following translations:

  • Chinese - Thanks to 初雨芳菲 
  • French - Thanks to MaiaGame
  • German - Thanks to Nightlock
  • Italian - Thanks to TheMoonGlitch 
  • Russian - Thanks to  Origamika
  • Spanish - Thanks to  dianuckethead
  • Czech - Thanks to Xeria
  • Finnish - Thanks to Caigel
  • Swedish - Thanks to Lakire 
  • Korean (Download Here - Not Included)

5/16/2020 -- Version 2.4.5 to Version 2.4.6: Added Czech/Finnish Translations, fixed other translations that were missing for all the above languages.

5/13/20 -- Version 2.4.4 to Version 2.4.5: Added Russian and Chinese translations in 2.4.5 update. 


What is new in version 2.4.5?

This update to SCCO is focused around minor updates, new recipes, and a new functional retail grocery store lot.

You can read more info about the "Greenfield Grocery Store" retail lot and all of its new custom content here. 


Bag's of Chips - New Recipes & Functional Displays

First up, we have 6 new "Junkfood Snack" recipes! These are just cute maxis-match single serving bags of chips. I tried my best to create a texture that once again people would recognize from real life. :) 

Bags of Chips Types:

  • Classic
  • Sour Cream & Onion
  • Sour Cream & Cheddar
  • Dill Pickle 
  • BBQ
  • Salt & Vinegar

There are also 2 new functional "Chip Displays". One small one that fits on any small slot, and one tall display that stands on the floor. The bags on the display match the new recipes. 

These chip display stands can be found under "small appliances" and are flagged for Retail lots. 

You will be able to purchase any of the new chips directly from the displays by clicking on the "Purchase Chips" pie menu.

Alternatively, you can also find all of the new bag of chip recipes under the "Make Custom" > "Junkfood Snacks" menu on any fridge.

If you have any of the bags in your inventory/fridge/breadbox then it will be consumed as an ingredient when grabbing the snack from the fridge.

The Drink Machine & New Drink Recipes

I took the drink part of the cafeteria station from get to work and made it a stand alone object to be able to purchase single serving drinks. 

I added all EA drinks from all packs that seemed like they could come out of a fountain drink machine. 

There are a total of 10 new custom drinks:

  • Peach Tea
  • Raspberry Tea
  • Strawberry Tea
  • Mango Tea
  • Pineapple Tea
  • Off-Brand Soda
  • Lemon-Lime Soda
  • Root Beer
  • Strawberry Lemonade
  • Raspberry Lemonade

For those that would like to have the new drinks at home. 

I have also added a new "Make Custom" > "Grab Drink" menu to all fridges. 

At this time none of the drinks have ingredient requirements. I will be adding ingredients to these at a later date. :)

Greenfield Grocery Store Retail Lot & Custom Content

I have finally built a functional (GTW) retail lot. You can now go grab your groceries from this new fully stocked store! Complete with it's own new custom content decor, retail shelves, checkout counters and more. ~ 

More Info & Download for Greenfield Grocery HERE!!




You have outdone yourself! This is amazing!! Thank you so much


thank you so much I'm too excited good job


In a future update of SCCO Can you made the juice carton drinkable?? ;) thanks

Evangelina Silvercloud

Wow, wow and wow! Thank you very much. It's so great to have this new grocery, can't wait to play with it. Stay safe! Warmest regards from Austria


Hi srsly chips can't be thrown away :(


Oh no! Let me look into this because my sim was throwing them away fine before I released the mod yesterday.


I do plan to edit a few of the existing ingredients that have only 1 form. So that eventually everything has a package form and a ingredient form. Not sure when I will get to this, but yes eventually this will be changed.


Ok I let you know


This is amazing! Thank you!


You know, in 2.4.2, I couldn't find Icy's egg anymore, can't wait to update. Also, did anyone else get an LE when a sim tries to remove something from the bread box? (Need to figure this Discord thing out)


Icys eggs? they arent included. You have to download them separately. SCCO only contains assets that I have created for it. All other creators harvestables/recipes must be download separately. As for the breadbox, no. You should not be getting any errors. If you could hop on the discord or even just DM me here with that LE I can try to tell you what the cause is.


HI, Im new to your mod. How do I get more recipes?


Go to check the main mod page on SrslySims.net for compatibility info or join discord.


Yes! Thanks for the update. Your cooking overhaul adds a much appreciated layer of realism to my game. Would you ever consider adding the food from the IL food stalls to homestyle cooking? Similar to how you can make the Uni pizzas at home.


i can so look into it :) Sometimes I miss some of the foods from new items ~


Thank you so much !!!


Hi, it's my first time using your mod I love that it adds a more realistic feel to the game. But it won't allow me to use the original cooking menu can you tell me why?


Sounds like you have a conflicting mod. Any mod that overrides EA files for cooking will not work. You can check the mods main page for incompatible mods, or come over to my discord for assistance.


the book its not showing for me? :/ i don't know why


Does this mod conflict with Custom Food Interactions mod ?


No they do not conflict. But you do not need the script files for thefoodgroup food or drink interactions. Just the package files. See discord or main mod page for compatibility.


So I will be able to still use the custom food interactions mod even without the script files?


Thank you


Yes, that is exactly what I just said. The script only adds new crafting menus which are not needed if you use scco.


I'm not sure if I just missed the memo on this but I can;t seem to Order subscriptions on the computer anymore or send my sims to the rabbit hole grocery store either. Does anyone know why this might be happening?


You sound like you dont have it installed correctly or you have something incompatible installed. Please be sure script mods are no more than 1 folder deep. If you need more help, please come to discord.


I downloaded the update and now I can't shop from my phone. also I cant cook some things. it says cooking egg or cooking bread. not sure what I am doing wrong. I buy the eggs and bread or the other ingredients they call for.


You have an incompatible mod called greycurse cooking overhaul if you are seeing cooking egg, mine will say any egg. As it is compatible with custom harvestables. Please come to discord or check the main mod page on srslysims.net for a full list of incompatible mods. But any other mod that alters EA cooking is not compatible... as for the menus not showing, you have it installed incorrectly.


I tried to use your mod multiple times but I can never seem to use it because whenever I click on fridges, stoves, etc there is no food items showing up anywhere not even the original choices in the regular game. please help


Sorry, I can't join your discord. I have a problem that I can't make drink at the bar with make drink interaction.


I will need more information. What drink? EA or Custom? What exactly happens? Do you have any other mods that do anything with bar drinks? Have you tried on a fresh NEW save, with no other mods installed buy SCCO, and fully cleared your cache? If so does the error still remain? If you havent tried this, please do so. If this fixes the issue, you have something incompatible installed.


Then you have something incompatible installed. You would need to 50/50 your mods starting with installing SCCO by itself and then making sure it works. Once you are sure it does, you then need to start slowly adding back your mods/cc until you find the conflict. If you need more help, come to my discord.


Wow! When you said this was coming soon, I didn't think I'd use the travelling option. But this looks incredible! Definitely will try this, it looks really fun.


can i delete Expanded Recipes? Because it will be more interesting.i want to use more machine.thank you very much!


You mean the custom recipes? Yes this customs can be deleted. I am not sure what you mean by use more machines? That has nothing to do with using the custom recipes. Can you explain further? Please see the install guide linked on the main download page on srslysims.net to see what is allowed to be deleted in the mod or even come to my discord for more help.


Thank you very much,My English is not very good,I want to make a cake and ice cream with the machine.∠( ᐛ 」∠).But I do not know where I should delete the file,I do not want to let the cake recipes on refrigerator.sorry,my English is very bad.(๑•́₃•̀๑)




It is okay, I just wanted to ask again so I was not confused :) So you mean the actual expanded recipes. Like the things we could not originally make on the fridge/stove from EA. No those cannot be removed from the mod. As I have added hundreds of these new "expanded" recipes. As for making Cake and Ice Cream with the machine, you can. These added recipes do not change anything to prevent you from being able to use the cupcake machine or the ice cream machine. So if you cant, it sounds like you have some kind of conflict? I never took away the ability to make anything, just added a lot more options for things to cook/bake.


I was wondering if you were planning to make it so there was zero cost when cooking anything if you have all of the ingredients, instead of a reduced cost when having all required ingredients?


Yes, eventually. This takes a lot of time and will take me almost an entire month to do. I think I say this just about every update. But yes, eventually when I need to go back and edit EA recipes for an update I will do it then.


How can I install the Spanish version?

Chelsea Derieux

How do I unsubscribe from my food subscriptions because my game is unplayable without the mod now


You can find this info on the main mod page on srslysims.net but the person that started the subscription will have the ability to cancel it in the computer. Under the same menu as subscribing. But this must be done by the sim who has the name on the sub box.


Lol it's never ending isn't it!? I do love the mod very much and am very thankful you made it. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I look forward to seeing where you take this mod. By the way, the grocery store, I love it, thank you for adding that bit of realism to the game. I love putting the groceries on the counter and having the kiddos put it away lol.

Sarah E

Will the custom recipes (chips and guac, caramel apple slices, chip bags) eventually be released as separate stand alones if we don't want the whole overhaul, or will they always be connected?


Always be connected. Which is why the few individual files i had shared have been removed and say they now require scco.


Hey! :) I have the grocery store lot placed but it’s not fully stocked... I only see Honey and Coffee Beans stocked on shelves... no junk food snacks or cereals... I don’t see sugar or flour either... I have the latest version of the mod. Please tell me if there is something I missed. I have all the custom recipes. But the store shelves are basically empty :(


Hey :) i dont know whats wrong i have only deleted the files im supposed to delete but the shop for grocieries button doesn't appear halp!


If you have installed the latest Sims 4 patch (June 3rd), the mod won't show until it is updated to be compatible. Eco Lifestyle patch broke a lot of mods and this is one of them.


Thank you so much for this amazing mod, i have been using it for a long time! However since I got Eco Lifestyle, It seems to be broken. Here's what happens now... When i go to shop for grocery's or fresh fruit and veggies, It will only allow me to choose one item to buy at a time. Is there a fix for this? Thanks lovely x


Hello love the scco mod but it broken


Yes. Yes it is... I'm working on updating it. You can see the announcement pinned here on patreon, Twitter, tumblr, or even my discord...