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The mods main page found here 

The most recent changelog can be found here.

There is a .txt document included in the download to walk you through installing SCCO. 
If you have any suggestions, questions, or issues please join my Discord for more help! 
Before installing, be sure to remove all previous versions of SCCO & Clear your Cache!


This mod comes with the following translations:

  • Chinese - Thanks to  初雨芳菲 
  • French - Thanks to MaiaGame
  • German - Thanks to Nightlock
  • Italian - Thanks to xISYx 
  • Russian - Thanks to  Origamika
  • Korean (Download Here - Not Included)


What is new in version 2.3?

This update is focused around compatibility patches and updates to existing features to make way for a few new ones coming soon.

NOTE: See Changelog for full compatibility patch info.

  • UPDATE 2.1 to 2.3 - Fixed  incorrect strings for purchase delivery (For real this time..sorry.), Added animation for phone grocery purchase, fixed missing menu grocery pc/tablet menu for "Tiny Living" residential lots, added newest icymunmun & littlbowbub recipes to custom menus, fixed tag for LMS Transfer inventory mod, added Italian translations!
  • UPDATE 2.0 to 2.1 - Fixed incorrect strings for purchase delivery. Switched fish delivery back to inventory instead of mail (for now). Added all above translations.


"Taste First" Bug-Fix 

After the addition of the "Required Ingredients" optional file in version 1.8 it caused all taste-first recipes to be auto unlocked. I have now fixed this issue.

All Jungle Adventure, Dine-Out, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, and Discover University recipes that were meant to be eaten first before you were able to cook them now have that lock requirement again, even when using the optional "Required Ingredient" add-on. 

You will also be able to learn these recipes from the custom cookbooks as well as tasting. 

Shop for Groceries - New Delivery?!?!

I have changed the delivery method for ordering groceries from your computer, tablet, and phone. 

They will now be delivered to your sims mailbox the day after you order. Can your sim wait for the delivery, will they starve?

Don't worry you can still get your groceries directly by shopping from the "Cash Register". :) Now there is a reason for you to go to the grocery store!  

Shop for Groceries - New Animations 

I have changed the animations for "Shop for" on the computer and tablet. 

Your sim will now actually walk to the computer/tablet and use it for a moment before you have the menu prompt for shopping. 

I just wanted to try to make this a little more immersive. I will be adjusting the phone animation at a later time. 

Shop for Groceries - Drinks

There is now a new menu for buying drinks. I will be moving all drinks from "Grocery" to "Drinks" in the next update. But for now... 

The "Six-Pack" of Juice/Soda/Water can now be found there. 

As well as 3 types of plasma packs for your vampires!

There is also a section for "Adult Drinks" that will have IcyMunMun's "Bottles of Nectar" from her Nectar Making machine available for purchase if you use her mod. (*note, this feature will not be available until she updates her mod.)

New Ingredient Changes - Budget Jam & Peanut Butter

I have added a new ingredient, peanut butter! You now have a jar of peanut butter that you can purchase from the "Preserves" section of groceries. 

You can "unpack" the jar, for 10 "Spoonfuls of Peanut Butter" which are to be used as the actual ingredient. 

Because I added PB I had to make the same "Spoonful" changes for Budget Jam!

New "Make Custom" Menus & Changes

I have added a few new menus to the "Make Custom" interaction on the fridge. 

I have added 4 new sections:

  • Drinks
  • Adult Drinks
  • Toddler Meals
  • Toddler Drinks

 I have also added these toddler options to the highchairs in the game. While making these toddler additions, all SCCO custom foods now have toddler versions!

The Mermaid, Vampire, Alien menus now will not be visible unless you are that occult type for that menu. This is to cut down on bulk, as well as immersion. I might add a way for humans to learn these recipes at a later date. ;)

New Compatibility Add-On - IcyMunMun (PLEASE READ)

You no longer need to use "The Food Group - Custom Drink/Food" menus with SCCO. All IcyMunMun foods will now show up in SCCO's "Make Custom" menus. 

There is now a new file in the __SCCO ADDONS__ folder called "IcyMunMun Compatibility" for this change. Which prevents LE's from not using her menus.

If you still wish to use The Food Group Custom Menus, then REMOVE the optional add-on or you will get an LE. 

Note: If you remove the optional file, Icy's food/drinks will show in both SCCO and Food Group menus.

IcyMunMun Compatibility - Candy! 

Aside from adding the nectar bottles to the grocery menus. I have also added all of Icy's candy! 

This includes:

 (*note, this feature will not be available until she updates her mods.) 

New Compatibility - Talented Kid Sim Mods: Kids Can Cook

SCCO is now 100% compatible with this lovely mod (Link here)! 

Kids will now have the ability to access and food/drink menus (*aside from adult/alcoholic menus) with SCCO! They can now fend for themselves!

NOTE: This means, if you do not use this mod kids can still interact with these menus. You will just have stretching and bad animations. 

I recommend using this mod if you wish for you kids to be able to cook for themselves!




Yayyyy! I'm excited for this. Just as a question about the "cash register" would they need to go to like a retail venue or is it a rabbit hole?


You would need to place a cash register down in any venue. Like retail/generic/etc. There will be a "Grocery" lot type coming soon. ~

Sophia D

Omg! I can actually take out Custom Food and Drink mods? I love when modders collab and make things easier lol Thank you both!


I've been having my Sims read the cookbooks but it doesn't display how close they are to finishing and they'v been at it for several hours. Is this normal? How long should it take to finish one of the cookbooks?


I reverted back to 1.9 for now, and I think it'd be cool for us to be able to choose whether we want instant delivery or to wait. Immersive experience isn't always a lock for me, unfortunately.


Thank you so much for this . I do have a few questions. First, in the public release would mind putting an od choice if you want the groceries to show up in your inventory or mailbox. I do prefer the inventory, but if you cannot I understand no worries. Lastly, I have LBB's meatloaf and it says I need 2 packages of pork but when i put them in the fridge it doesnt work I even unpacked them and put them in the fridge and it still doesnt show i have 2 packages of pork. What am i doing wrong? Thank you again.


I will not be adding two inventory versions this go. I am contemplating on it for later. The reason for this is eventually the groceries will be delivered from pc/phone/tablet via delivery npc. As for the pork, you would need to talk to LBB, but it sounds like it's asking for the wrong ingredient. It's asking for the package not the single pork (Which means just a incorrect ingredient ID was used). LBB would need to fix that issue on their end.

Evangelina Silvercloud

Thank you very much for the update and the next change sounds great. Thanks and take care of yourself and your family. Warmest regards from Austria


Thank you so much!


Hello, excuse me for the question, I'm coming up on your mod right now. Vampire food is missing from the menu, should I download something to add recipes? Where can I find them?


Currently, only actual vampires can see the vampire custom menu. I will be adding a feature later for humans to learn occult dishes. But for now each special custom occult menu requires you to be that occult.


I play with a family of vampires and am a few days desperate for different foods for them. It is really boring to live on plasma salad. I saw your mod and found it interesting, but it looks like I need to download vampire food, right? Their mod alone does not offer any kind of food for them, with the exception of the babies that I noticed have two new options. And I'm sorry for the English, I don't really speak the language and I'm working on it.


Yes the mod includes 1 new vampire recipe which is cookies. The other is plasma ice cream if you have cool kitchen. The ice cream for adults will be in the ice cream maker. The cookies for adult vampires will be in the "make custom" "vampire meal" menu on the fridge/stove. If you still have issues, please come by my discord for help.


Hello. I have downloaded this latest version today and have installed correctly but ordering directly from the phone, the groceries don't show up in the sims inventory. Im getting the message "thanks for ordering, the groceries are now in the inventory" but theyre not. Ive tested this on various different saves.


I thought I fixed this text. I must have miss-saved the file. But groceries from phone, tablet and pc aside from fish, will be delivered via the mailbox. I will fix this text issue asap.


Hi, want to install this mod but the instructions on the main page aren't opening up for me. Can you please tell me how to install this?


The written instructions will be back on the website later tonight. But for now, the install instructions are included in the read me file in the download.


Hi when i go and command my sims to make food some pages are blank. Even the normal "cook" menu. Also i looked at the required recipes file you put on the site but even when i make food or choose from the very few i can cook, none of my groceries are being used. And yes they are opened. So if i make eggs, no eggs are used but my sim can make them.


Please come to my discord for help. Will be easier to explain and find you a solution. But it sounds like you may have a conflicting mod.


hi, i wanted to ask a question. In my game i have all the dlc but the vegetarian, mermaid, vampire, and alien pie menu from the cook custom doesn't show up. What should i do?


You must be the occult state for that menu for it to be available. I will making a ways for humans and other occult to make specific occult food at a later date. :)


wow thank youuu, and for vegetarian its the same as well? btw keep up the amazing work!!


Vegetarian is empty and most likely will be removed next update. I've just been putting veggie recipes in normal homestyle instead. :)


hi i want ask something,when i download Srsly cooking my base game cooking menu didn't work


Required ingredients file, please be sure to read the Readme included in the download or tinyurl.com/sccoinstall

Latesha Coleman

Do i need to download the recipes from littlbow or icemun? i was confused with the text on the main download page.


Yes, you still need to download their recipes. They just show up in my make custom menus.