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Hello everyone and Happy Holidays! 

There is no changelog for this update, I will be going over it all in detail on this post. :)

The mods main page found here 

There is a .txt document included in the download to walk you through installing SCCO. 
If you have any suggestions, questions, or issues please join my Discord for more help! 
Before installing, be sure to remove all previous versions of SCCO & Clear your Cache!

HOTFIX 1.7.1

Please Re-Download and be sure to Clear your Cache. 

I have made the following fixes from version 1.7.0 to 1.7.1:

  • Fixed "Meat Debuff" on custom recipe "Chocolate Biscuits & Gravy". It is now vegetarian safe! 
  • Fixed missing tag on ingredient cheese. Recipes will now accept my cheese again. 
  • Fixed "Required" version not accepting ingredients from Mini-Fridge (Discover University).
  • Added translations for German and French


This mod comes with the following translations:

  • English
  • French (Thanks to MaiaGame)
  • German (Thanks to Nightlock)

All other languages have been temporarily removed. 

I have made quite a few additions and changes to Strings so there needs to be some updates. 

The lovely people that translate my mods have been notified, and I will update the download here as soon as the translations for each language are made available to me.


This has been a long time coming, but it's finally here... 

The "Required Ingredients" version of SCCO! 

This month I have spent all of my time trying to finally get this together for all of you. As most of you know, I put off locking ingredients after finding out it breaks EA NPC's (like Butlers/Caterers/Baristas/etc.) and caused them to no longer function as they were intended. So to me locking the ingredients by normal means was just out of the question. I don't like to break features of the game if I can avoid it. 

Thanks to LittleMsSam we now have a way to make a "Required" version without breaking anything! But it is a little different than what you might be used to

Normally, when an item is locked it is greyed out but still visible on the menu. Then becomes unlocked to craft once you have all of the necessary ingredients for that recipe. This is why NPC's broke because they do not have access to the same storages as your played household, so they can not access any ingredients.

With the new Optional File, that can be found in the "SCCO ADDONS" folder. It will remove all recipes from EA menus (Cook/Bake/Gourmet/Grand Meal) causing the menus to be 100% blank no matter your skill level. Once you have any ingredient required for a specific dish, the recipe will become visible for you to craft. 

For Example: If I had a potato in my Fridge or Sim Inventory all recipes that have potato as an ingredient will become visible and allow you to craft it.

As stated above, this feature is optional. If you wish to have the recipes with "Optional Ingredients" as the mod was previously. Simply delete this addon. :) 

New Grocery Shopping Menu - Phone

I have re-worked the "Shop for Groceries" menu on the phone. To try to help reduce lag when opening the menus since there is not a way to remove the "Sort All" from being the first tab visible when the menu opens.

Instead of it being an icon at the top of the phone, it will now have its own normal phone menu with a few different submenus. 

The Submenus are: 

  • Buy Fish
  • Buy Flowers
  • Buy Groceries
  • Buy Veggies, Herbs, & Fruit

You will find all SCCO custom ingredients under "Buy Groceries". All EA items and custom harvestables will be under their respected menus via TAG.

IcyMunMun Compatibility Patch

While I was editing all the recipes for the required version, I decided to go ahead and update all of the ingredients so they will be functional with IcyMunMun's custom ingredients.

NOTE: At this time, her items will not work. She also needs to release a compatibility patch on her end. Once she has made these updates to her creations they will work with SCCO. I have updated all of her files for her to include the changes, she just has to get the chance to update them now. :)

This Includes compatibility for:

I have also added some new tags for other projects she will be working on in the future so there will always be continued compatibility with SCCO as we both continue creating. 

When a recipe calls for an ingredient of one of the above it will now say "Any" of the item. (example: "Any Egg"). So once the compatibility patch is done on icy's end you will be able to use her eggs from her functional chicken coop or the ones from grocery shopping. :)

Custom Recipes - Alien Foods

I have made a new recipe for Aliens! This new recipe gives a positive buff to Aliens and a negative one for any human or other occult that eat it. 

Green Eggs & Ham

  • Serving Sizes: Single (1), Family (4), Party (8)
  • Skill: Homestyle Cooking
  • Skill Level: 2
  • Found Under: Make Custom > Alien Food


I have fixed the missing icon for custom drinks! No more lama icon!



Evangelina Silvercloud

I like all your new features, will test it immediately. Thank you very much for all your work. *sends you a big hug*


Are there any mods that are not compatible with this because the buy groceries icons is not showing up on my sims' phone?


Make sure that your script mods are no more than 1 folder deep inside your mods folder or the game will not read them. If you need more assistance please stop by my discord. :)


im pretty sure I'm doing something wrong like last time (lol) but so all the recipes changed to say any oil any cheese etc but my any cheese recipes aren't accepting any cheese. I have both your and icy's cheese in my fridge but it is still greyed out. I cleared my cache and rearranged some folders but it hasn't helped.


I will check this tomorrow. My cheese may have an incorrect tag. I am not sure if icy has had the time to update hers yet.


no worries hun you take care of you!!!! This can wait until you're feeling better!!! I hope its nothing major. . feel better!!!!


Where's the link to download?


It will be back up fixing a bug. Give me about an hour maybe 2 at max. :)

Evangelina Silvercloud

Thank you very much for this update. I wish you a wonderful time ;)


question . . . since you have not released this one yet, if I have found any other bugs do I post them here or in the bug portion of discord?


There is a Patreon bug reports section in discord. Please post there for any reports for non public released items. :)

Marco Cantillo

This is really good! I have one suggestion. Do you think it's possible to actually add some buyable packages that include (I don't know) ingredients for most of level x of cooking skills recipes? For example, a "Level 1 of Cooking Skill Choice" that includes some ingredients for that level? It's kind of hard to play with the Required Ingredients addon if you don't know what the recipe needs.


I could look into making more packages for misc skill brackets of food. I will add this to my todo list :)

Marco Cantillo

Thank you so much! I'm actually playing with a list of the meals on my cellphone hahaha.


Huge thanks for IceMunMun compatibility! This mod is absolutely amazing! Thank you!


I could imagine a human sim or a spellcaster sim or a mermaid or a vampire could say to the alien the fallowing: I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I Am

Margaret Johnson

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I am a user of your mod, I was wondering where do you buy the energy drinks that came with DU? I can only find them by using showhiddenobjects and debug and buying it there!


Hi! love this mod! is it possible to have it so that all ingredients must be present before the recipe shows up? so like an AND test instead of an OR?


Yes, this is possible to lock the ingredient and the recipes show up. This causes NPCs like butlers/catering/barista/etc stop working. I am currently trying to find a solution to this as I really don't want to totally break features of the game if I can avoid it.


What I mean is something like what you have currently, where the menu stays totally blank unless you have the ingredient, except this time it stays blank until you have ALL the ingredients. does that make sense? or is this just how the lock ingredient stuff happens?


This is just how it happens with this locking method littlemssam found. It actually has quite a few limitations. I was not able to find any way for it to require all of the ingredients to be visible. But I am trying to find another way to lock things as an alternative.


Just a heads up, I was looking through the recipes and I think there might be a mistake with the test reference ID for tofu in the MaoPaoTofu recipe? In the recipe you have tofu as 9954942572276762214 but in the required ingredients addon, tofu is 9954942572276760782, which is what you've used in tofurkey dinner as well


Thank you for reporting this! I will fix this for the next update. Sometimes I copy the wrong lines in my spreadsheet. :p