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HiHi Googs here! Wanted to give some info regarding next build development:

-Day 3 required much more polishing than I expected it to, so  we are delaying next build to the 1st of the month. This will allow us to have a more "on line" release schedule, as well as hopefully offer a better product. This also means the public release of build 0.3 will be delayed to the 1st of next month as well.

-Due to the delay to next month and the rushed announcement, we are going to reimbourse this month's patreon charges to all patrons as it would be unfair to do otherwise.

-On the bright side, our musical repertoire grows exponentially fast thanks to Hop-Skip & The Chewtoys (Youtube and Soundcloud ) composing even more tracks than originally planned. We are extremely grateful for this incredible support!
Here's a list of the new incoming tracks:

-Don't think, Feel (Youtube and Soundcloud )
-Rabbit toes (Souncloud)
-All the Fuckin' Broke Kids (Soundcloud )
-Smoker Preferred (Youtube and Soundcloud)
-With Love, Lois (yet to be released)
-Linda Holland Grew a Garden (yet to be released)

Please, give them a listen whenever you can! It's a sure way to pick your humor up ^^

I want to thank all of our patrons and external supporters for the kind words and interactions that warm our hearts on daily basis. Again, thank you everyone <3

If you wish to contact us or simply crave for more interaction, you can follow me or Divo on Twitter or meet me on the FVN discord server. Don't worry, I don't bite! (Not sure about Divo though...) :bonk:
See you everyone to the next post, where hopefully we'll be able to show you our labor's fruit ^^
Googs out!


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