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My patreon page has "monthly billing" enabled which means it is a regular 30 day cycle when you subscribe, not the old default cycle of always starting on the 1st every month. So do not worry if you want to subscribe at the end of the month! You will not be charged again right away, not until your 30 days is over :D


This is what I use for my content, so if what you see is not the same as the screenshots, you can check these.

I also use FoV 20 while in Desktop mode. This is the closest FoV to VR and also more realistic proportions to the naked eye.



Hey! And could you share what your GPU is and how many FPS you get with one model, without an overburdened environment?


I have a GTX 3080 and you can see the FPS here in the corner https://i.imgur.com/Tajrnau.png


What resolution is your monitor If I may ask? I struggle at 1440p with a 3080 to get similar results.


Mine is also 1440p! The bigger my install the less performance I seem to get. Currently I have to have MSAA on 4X to get decent frames, where 8X was not a problem before. Probably time for me to get a fresh install!