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Hey guys, how's life? Hope it's treating you better than it's been doing to me the past few weeks.A lot of shit happened with my day job that was quite exhausting, thus I haven't been as efficient as I wanted to be.

Making option for free choice repeating events was more work than I expected, turns out the way I coded it wasn't very convenient for that. Still, I managed to finish Gerard's repeating events after the leg-locking position, the option to finish inside will also included with the other two positions, once you unlock it with the leg-locking one.

Right now I will be thinking about what kind of composition next picture is gonna be, hopefully make up my mind soon.

Also, I came across something unrelated, and ended up figured out how to change the icon for the game:

so yeah, there's also that.



Dunan Rayne

I want her to feel two emotions when she has sex with someone for political reasons, not love. carnal pleasure and guilt against it. I wish she could choose how to accept the sexual relationship rather than how she enjoys it thoughtlessly whenever she has sex with a duke or someone else for political reasons. If she wants to be pure and faithful, she will feel stressed about sex only for political purposes or carnal pleasure. So please let the PC choose. Whether to just enjoy it or feel guilty and stressed.


Thanks for your enthusiasm, but I have the development time to consider, a plot so intertwined with different routes like you suggested doesn't really seem feasible. On top of that, I already have my own plan in mind. Still thanks for the feedback.

Dunan Rayne

So you don't plan to add a new rival character who challenges her throne? Since the bishop told her that the queen was inappropriate as a ruler at the coronation ceremony in the introduction, her gender doesn't seem to feel like a penalty to user. Overall, the difficulty of the game is too easy. I hope she will face more challenges after she ascends to the throne as a queen. -The young queen who is despised by the vassals. -Poor royal finances and insufficient tax revenue. -The queen's army with broken discipline. -Lack of support from aristocrats. -Administrative confusion caused by the Queen's short period of ascension. -Continuous looting of the border area of the barbaric tribe. -Negative public opinion about the queen spreading to the people. -Diplomatic vacuum caused by delay in diplomacy with neighboring countries in solving the above listed problems. These things do not come directly to the user in the game. However, your game explains that the current situation of the kingdom is in the difficulties listed above. Do you have any plans to create such contents? or Don't you have any plans to make such things challenge users? I want her to suffer and agonize in solving problems as well. For example... 1. Reinforcing the queen's army and forcing the people to sacrifice!!! In order to strengthen the queen's army, it is necessary to increase tax revenue or squeeze the people, which rapidly deteriorates public opinion about the queen. The people will hate the queen extremely because of poverty and forced conscription, and the market economy will collapse due to excessive taxes. Prices will soar, making the people poor for a long time, and conscripted soldiers die in the battlefield, and the people will lose their families. This means that the trust of the people in the queen will decrease, and the number of taxpayers will decrease, resulting in a significant decrease in tax revenue. It will take a long time for the kingdom to rise again. 2. Not strengthening the queen's army to show mercy to the people!!! However, if the queen does not quickly strengthen her troops because of her mercy for the people, the barbarian tribe will begin to invade near the capital of the kingdom and the queen's prestige will decline significantly. Then the aristocratic society will blame the queen, and even the people she showed mercy for will think she is incompetent. The queen realizes the seriousness of the situation and belatedly strengthens her troops, but It's too late. After the barbarian invasion began in earnest near the capital, the queen's finances will be suffering from serious financial difficulties. At this point, the queen will no longer be able to defeat the barbarian tribe on her own. She would have to beg for help from the vassals who looked down on her. And then the aristocratic society will look down on the queen even more, and public opinion will spread to the people of the kingdom that the queen is incompetent because she is a woman. There are other potential stories based on choices and results. Assuming that there are two rival factions among the nobles, if the queen accepts one faction as her supporters, the opposite faction becomes hostile to her. What do you think about the military leadership's coup against the queen, or the possibility of them disobedience to the queen? The hawkish aristocrats and military leaders who strongly oppose when she tries to resolve a dispute between the two countries in a diplomatic manner with the chief of the barbaric tribe. Wouldn't it be more fun if a new character was added to challenge her throne in this situation? Like the old king's male nephew. Inevitable choices to let 100 people die to save 1,000 people. Inevitable choices to tolerate injustice for the peace and well-being of the kingdom. Inevitable choices to ruin friendship with friends to protect her throne. Inevitable choices to drive the queen's soldiers to death for diplomatic purposes. Even things that she thought she made the right decision but over time it returned to extremely bad results. I hope your game will become challenging and difficult for users.


Thanks for the feedback, but I already have my own plan for the game in mind, plus I have the development time to consider. But please understand I can hardly change course base on feedback so late in the process. Also, I don't want to share about my plans that's not already in the making or on the top priority of my to do list, since there's always chance those things could be cut out latter, so to not raise any false expectation.