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Dear Patrons, 

There is something important I would like all of you to be aware of.

Today is the day rewards are sent out, and while mailing the rewards to my patrons, a change to Patreon's rewards system came to my attention.

It was an update to the Patreon manager system. The website changes so frequently, and it always brings me a great deal of confusion. (It must've changed at least three times now.)

Due to this oversight, I have made the mistake of sending rewards to every patron who has pledged at least once, even those who have discontinued their pledge.

This misstep is undoubtedly disrespectful to those who have continued to support me to this day.

I deeply apologize for this incident, and thus I would like to make some reparations.

I will be sending out previous Patreon rewards to those who have made a payment on October 1st.

Patreons who have pledged on October 1st will be receiving the June and July rewards.

I do concede that this is an insufficient solution, but I sincerely ask for your understanding.

Once again, sorry for my carelessness. ;(



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