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The festival in Vetla, the Northwest of Tal, area of Western Sergals and Native Nevreans. Male Nevrean dancers, Sergal who is playing a percussion instrument, and Sergal and Female Nevrean who are toasting.

They leave beautiful, impermanent and sad history.

:Western Sergals:
They are a subspecies of the Northern Sergals. They have settled close to the Native Nevreans that inhabit the Northwest of planet Tal, keeping quietly to themselves in a small area of land. Their appear very similar to their northern cousins, with a slightly slender build and cold colors fur such as blue-green or purple. They inhabit small villages along the forests and wetlands, and exchange culture with the Native Nevreans of Nevrea land nearby. Their share the Native Nevreans’ cultural appreciation for beauty and art, including poetry, song, music and dance. Therefore there are many poets. And they share the culture that protect the "beautiful things (e.g. Male Nevrean)". But they were attacked and nearly wiped out by General Rain. Her lust for beautiful things(beautiful and cute boys) led her to wish to take them for her own. Western Sergals resisted her, but most died in the attempt, the few that survived took refuge in the southern lands (Gold Ring mainly) with some Nevreans.

:Native Nevreans:
The Nevreans live in "Nevrea" that is western land of the planet Tal. All males are singer, dancer, and actor of opera. Their sexual culture are kept as clean and chaste thing. They never act vulgar, gross, low behavior. (And can say Native Nevrean Males don't have penis figuratively. Native males' penis degenerated, they can reproduce without penis by modern bird-style mating. All Male Nevreans that have available penis are Urban Nevrean. Urban males developed it and became able to use it by special surgical operation or training.). Females grow up strong and get tough body to protect beautiful fragile male nevreans as basic Nevreans' culture and gender role. Nevrean ladies lose sky, color, and freedom. And they have structure of the throat is hard for sing and talk by fast talking in the natural voice, so they mostly cannot sing unlike males. But they get strength and superior ability. Females work so hard and seriously in bitter life while get "the healing mind" from beautiful males. They don't have a lyrics and musical score because almost none of the text exist in the Nevrea land. They convey all of information by speech. (Urban Nevreans get pens and typewriters, so Urban Nevrean musicians have lyrics and musical score unlike Natives.)

About Rain's attack to west, she has interest in only Sergals, so many Nevreans were safe. But some Nevreans took refuge in the southern lands with a few Western Sergal survivors. They are the first Nevreans whom they visited to Gold Ring City. Therefore they will become Urban Nevreans afterwards. Though, after Rain's attack, all alliances of Native Nevreans and Western Sergals completely disappeared. 


(No title)



I see these creatures with pointed snouts and beaks and I wonder how they manage to drink out of those cups and glasses... Anyway, they are having fun for the now, but imagine the hangovers the next day!


Sweet, you colored this!


I wish i was there to experience.


Nevreans know how to jam