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Please enjoy the read down below, and be sure to check out the HD Version of this art piece, available at Mick's Patreon!


These two Sergal boys live in a more civilized area, towards the modern era, enjoying a time of festivity in their city! The location is not determined strictly, however, it may possibly be Gold Ring, as festivals are especially popular events within the Gold Ring nation.

Their species are also not determined strictly, however, they can be considered to be civilized Southerners. Typical fur color schemes in Southern Sergals are known to be within the yellow-toned hues, however, they could also have blue and green-toned furs, potentially, as Southern Sergals in the modern era, have a plethora amount of mixed genes within their pools by virtue of globalization.

These two fashionable boys are sporting very cute clothing and wear, these can be used as an example as to what Sergals around the civilized areas wear day-to-day!

The blue-furred boy can be seen wearing a headband, similar to that of a Hachimaki (Literal meaning: "Helmet-scarf"), a stylized take on the headband. The type of hachimaki displayed within the artwork, is also a very popular fashion which can be noticed within the typical Japanese festival scenery.

The green-furred boy enjoys yet another type of casual outfit, including an accessory around the neck, a gold necklace adorned with what appears to be fus fus or some manner of Talyxian fur, as well as a scarf made out of Talyxian material!

