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Pag 17 pic and panels 1-2-3 of the COMIC VENOM SEX MULTIVERSE πŸ”ž




I hope we see violet get corrupted

Ars Gratia Artis

Violet shall stay pure! (Well, as pure as anyone at her age and relationship level. So, not very. But no Venom).


Violet is old enough in this COMIC. so venomize her !!!

Ars Gratia Artis

I have an idea. Violet fights back, defeats Venom and saves her mom. Venom escapes the world. Violet helps her mom recover. Everything is seemingly fine. Then Helen gets real close to Violet and acts strange. She wants to kiss Violet. Too late, Violet realizes that Venom corrupted Elastigirl. He left a piece of himself behind in Helen. As the venomized Helen Parr begins to consume her daughter, the scene switches to Venom's next world to conquer. What is the final fate of Violet and Helen Parr? To be continued!


almost, but not quite πŸ˜…

Ars Gratia Artis

Violet looks so hot in that tight costume! You could draw a series of pinups, no story, and I'd love it!!