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Hi guys

I hope you are doing well 

I'm a bit worried, because lately I've been getting some messages related to Ladybug NSFW drawings.

They tell me that they are shutting down Twitter accounts and Patreon pages for making NSFW posts about Lady bug. 

I don't know to what extent this is true. But I would like to avoid any inconvenience with the page. I ask you not to share the FUCKINGBUG comic anywhere else (let the comic posts stay only on Patreon for all of you).  

It is very important for me, this is my job and therefore my source of income as well.

I hope to count on your support as always, thank you very much for your understanding.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



Of course, I don't post this stuff at all. It's to precious to be lost 😅

Ray Dark

The problem is the under age characters if you use such characters it can cause troubles

Colin Brazeau

Damn, it will be sad if it will shut down, i love this comic :(

Colin Brazeau

Can you say all the character in your have 18yo and more?

Ars Gratia Artis

Who is sending these messages? Is it the website (Patreon or Twitter)? Is it some random person? Some people like to cause trouble.

Jonathan Stecker

Damn I'm sorry to hear that I know this is your life and I'll continue supporting it because you're a great content creator 🥰


Oh my god no! There's never been a Ladybug NSFW content as amazing as this, I hope everything is okay. and that no trpouble comes to you.

Luke fresh

I just checked your work has been posted on a few websites. Maybe you should request they remove it from their websites.


Yeah the problem is that you're making porn with underage characters... You should probably just stop doing that.


Mate, these are fictional characters, plus she is drawing them 18+ of age.


Sorry to hear that this has been happening to you, I hope this doesn't completely put you off of drawing Ladybug Characters. 😰

Ars Gratia Artis

They always single some artist out and ban them, while leaving other artists, doing the SAME THING, totally untouched. It's abritrary and unfair. There's always SubscribeStar.


Yeah only to the morally retarded, which unfortunately there's a lot of on Twitter (not saying you're one of them but you get who I'm referring to right?).


Yep Subscribestar or PixivFanbox are two alternatives you can try


Messages for Patreon dear Gratia They are just messages that tell me what happened to other accounts and that I should be careful. To which I appreciate And be alert XD


If the problem is that it comes out of here. I can only ask some Patreons not to share elsewhere to prevent our page from being shut down. Thanks


Yes dear Cyborg Parrot. We are going to continue. and of course finish the Fuckingbug comic Thanks 💗


I already created my account in subscribestar and pixifanbox as sustenance in case something happens here :)


Yes dear Rafy There is a small detail, my content is for adults it says it everywhere and it is ONLY FOR PATREONS. I'll keep doing the Fuckinbug comic until I finish it. Because my job is to keep them entertained. I can't let you guys be entertained XD. Greetings thanks for the support 🙂


Hi guys Thank you all for your support. We continue to have fun together 🥰🤗