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I think I owe everyone an update about my current cancer treatments and when I'm planning to work again.
So to start things first, my Proton radiotherapy treatment went well and is now over since two weeks.  This was by far the most impressive experience in my life, seeing that 600 ton gantry with an particle accellerator. The side effects of radiation are pretty damn alright compared to chemo.

I have a very slight sunburn on my skin and a very bloody flesh wound right where my tumor is. Of course this is causing some pain, reason being why I'm taking so much pain killers at the moment. The last chemo on friday just made matters a lot worse with healing this wound inside me, but I guess this is very much intented.

Logic being: Large flesh wound on the tumor = effective tumor killing chance

What's coming?
Now I have two weeks to recover from my last chemo session and I have three more chemos planned. In about two weeks we are checking my whole body again for metastasis and how well the radiation therapy went. In theory there should be absolutely no tumor visible anymore, so wish me luck! After those last 3 chemos I'm hopefully cancer free and able to enter rehabilitation. I then have to apply to universities and all that other normal life stuff.

Interesting Facts!

  • Every day in radiation therapy cost 1.300€ alone in energy consumption cost!
  • When they first started the particle accellerator, they caused a power outage in 2 very big German cities!
  • My tumor is flowing visibly through my bladder catheter. I'm able to watch this fucker die inside of me!

I hope this was an interesting short update.
Thank you all soo soo much for supporting me in the most dificult time of my life.
Love you all <3

Ps. This photo was shot in hospital after my very first chemo in January. A newer picture with bald head is on my discord server! Join for more updates :)




Glad to hear you're doing good so far hope the rest of your sessions go well!!!


Great to hear ur feeling good. Keep going and hope ur sessions go well