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When I started this Patreon I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to offer, or what people would want to see. I thought a balance between artwork and comics would be best, and at the time I had less comics on the go.

As I have gotten more used to being an artist and creating my content I've been able to experiment with a lot of different styles and stories and I feel I now finally have a good grasp on what I would like to do.

I feel I often don't have the time to create all I want to, which doesn't give me the time to refine every art piece as well as I could. I would like more detail, more consistency, and less over all rushing.  So to help with that I will be making a change to the polls.


From this point on there will only be a next art poll. I felt that with sequence it was like taking on up to 5 pictures for one character and took me more time than I had in a month. Replacing it will be the top two winners from the art poll , so the top two will be drawn.

For those of you who have been suggesting for months on the sequence poll, I will transfer your character and votes over to the art poll, and until it wins I will leave the choice on there. So feel free to still suggest on the art poll without losing your votes/character.

i hope this is a seamless transition and that it will allow an over all improvement in my content for you all!  I'll be sending my revised poll suggestion message in a day or two, but feel free to ask me any questions you may have.



Yeah this totally makes sense and looking forward to more art! I assume that once all the duplicate requests filter out of the system, we're only going to get one suggestion per month, correct? Also, how are you going to handle people who suggested the same character for both sequence and artwork? Is it going to be combined together for one big vote pool, is it going to have the higher of the two taken, or something else altogether?


If a character is on both polls I will combo their vote totals, as it seems fair for them to not lose any of their votes. One suggestion going forward, however I will now allow you to choose the scenario of the winner if your choice wins! So I hope that helps give a little extra with the poll winning.


Yeah, I agree with this decision given your load with your comics and still doing normal poll winners. I was worried for you of biting more you can chew so I'm glad you've reassessed your priorities. Gotta still be able to have free time and all!