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She’s grown so much! ❤️🥰💙


I see....now we have the third person with a magical phrase to get her stuffed. How interesting^^


I love the dynamics in this Story a lot. Before becoming a Patreon I could only see the dynamic between the Blond one and Elizabeth so I was hoping that the powerstruggle between the two would be the keystoryelement but I like the New developements too.

Lily Avalia

This might affect her future meeting calls...


I have a sneaking feeling that Christina isn't involved, but rather it's one of the new girls who have their own story.

T. Clark

That's the magic word font


Ooooh! I’m loving this!


Elizabeth is going to be bursting those buttons on her top sooner rather than later at this rate


I have a feeling that after recovering from her imminent food coma, Liz is going to go confront Christina thinking she’s a culprit. Only to find she’s been fattened even bigger then she is! This will lead into Christina explaining her backstory, and what her connection to these two new characters are. (Also I think there is a typo on the page. Liz says “I need to be more series…” when it’s probably meant to be “I need to be more serious”

Juliano Bonamigo

just one more bite never enough bites i will never stop this comic is cinema


Let's hope this new girl learns her place


Need to get the funnel out for Liz


Liz is gonna blow up at this rate