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Hello everyone! 

It has been a week since the main story of From Diva’s to Donuts wrapped up. This was something that started as a way to flesh out a character’s back story from a comic I did long ago, which is not even close to the same type of content I do today. I will say that switching to my current content always made this comic feel like a bit of an outsider to me, as many of the concepts, as well as even the ending itself were already controlled by the now irrelevant fiction that came before it.  

For those who are curious about what happens between Iris/Maya and Ayesha I’ll include that at the end of this post. 

As for the future of this comic. I don’t feel Mana’s story is done; in many ways it’s just the beginning. We finally have a version of her post past trauma, with her interest in gaining rekindled, and a supportive partner. I want to play on this a bit and show some post story scenes as part of this short epilogue, but I also don’t want to take away from my other comics/future comics to do so. I will be releasing updates to this comic every now and then for the epilogue, but not on schedule. Also, Mana, Iris, and Maya will be appearing in a future comic Trouble with Temptation as Mana is the bigger Sister of my OC Hina, although their relationship has a much happier outcome in that universe! 

As for Saturdays release, when I do not release another page of Mana’s story, I will release a second page of Never Enough Bites, this week being an exception as I will be working on the Cheerleader Halloween special. 

I hope that clears things up a lot, I am ok with any feedback you may have! 

Mana’s Main Story 

Mana continued her life with Maya and Iris, living out her dreams, thinking of nothing more than her own pleasures. This became her entire way of life. It would sometimes be weeks before Mana would realize that there was even still a world outside the comforting food filled walls of Iris’s apartment. However, without her knowing, there was a terrible plan brewing against her. Zen, her twin brother had always been disgusted by Mana’s lifestyle, with her growing waistline and overall acceptance of her new body type Mana has become the embodiment of all her disliked. While he had sacrificed all the things he enjoyed, his free time and his social life, he watched his sister become a creature of pure indulgence. 


With his parents choosing to move to another country to extend the reach of their family law firm, Zen was left to manage the current local branch, this was to be a joint task between him and Mana when she finishes her degree. Zen looked at Mana and realized that her degree, her future with the company, or any professional career were unlikely for her at this point. In a desperate attempt to bring her back to the path he wanted her to follow, he hatched a plan to do just that. 

Bringing her parents into the discussion, he shamed Mana for turning her back on her future, on her family responsibility, and on everything they had done for her in her life. This hit her hard, was she really being so unreasonable? Zen told her how their little brother was struggling to look after himself with their parents' absence, and with Zen working so much he had no one to depend on. 

Around the same time, Maya received a job offer in a large western country, this was something beyond her wildest dreams! She invited Iris and Mana to come with her! Iris excitely agreed, however Mana, who was already conflicted decided she would decline. 

After going their separate ways Mana fell into a deep depression, she missed her carefree days with Maya and Iris and resented her two brothers for leading her life in this direction. She stopped caring about her own needs, or those around her. She became a bitter person, abusive, and hateful. 

After many years in this lifestyle, her younger brother had an experience similar to her time with Maya and Iris. This brought back a piece of the old Mana, the girl who just loved her food and her size. 

Slowly her cold heart melts and she gets back to the things that made her happy. She meets Ayesha though a mutual friend and hits it off but has worried her now persistent weight gain would eventually turn her away. Leading up to the bathroom scene at the start of the comic! 


This is about it; Mana was not a very fleshed out character in the work she is originally from but if you have any questions please ask here! 



So Mana's brother was conspiring against her. My question regarding him is was it pure jealousy that made him do it, or was he really struggling and reached a boiling point? Either way, it sucks that the threesome was ruined because of that. I'm hoping that we see some sort of "where are they now?" piece with Iris and Maya, perhaps as a one off thing? I get the impression that they continued their feeder feedee relationship after Mana left.

Lily Avalia

I have all the important questions... Mana's favorite color? How many siblings? Left or right sock first? Does she look more like her father or mother? Favorite season? Does she drink sweet coffee?


Now you have me curious about what kind of story Mana originated from. Could you tell us about, especially since you said it was different that what we know from you?!


I can confirm they would continue without Mana, but it might be a bit more surprising how it turns out. I will touch on it a bit in their Trouble With Temptation versions. Zen is just bitter, he devoted himself to work and only realized how little that did for him when seeing his Sister loving life so much without the effort. He's the type to judge others and their actions and loves without ever considering that his view might differ from theirs and how much his actions/words can hurt people. Zen will also not be returning in any future comics even if Mana is involved! My personal least favorite character I have ever made.


When I first made my account I used to do male weight gain art and comics. It was something that while I don't regret, I have 0 interest in currently. I will never go back to it, so I do my best to not reference it often if I can avoid it. This comic was the last big link to it all.


Regarding Iris and Maya, that could be either really good or really bad depending on what kind of surprise it is. I'm unsure what would be crazier then the two of them both being willing to do a threesome, but I'll personally be cautious of what might happen! As for Zen, good riddance. Sounds like it'll be better for everyone that he won't be around anymore, and good for your mind as well to be rid of him!


I feel as loyal patreon subscribers and fans of your detail in both drawing and story telling I think we can give you the patience in waiting for more on Mana, Iris and Maya. I definitely think there is a whole new comic or as you said just the beginning of their story, maybe even a back story of how Iris found herself in this Wonderful world of weight gain and met Maya and how chance lead her to that day to met and be around Mana as well as continuing Mana's journey as well. Sorry for such a long reply but I feel there is a lot more to this comic for sure and I am definitely here for the long game of seeing how and when it can continue to develop 😍