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So, as we come to a close on the story, I am going to write a bit of a summary about the story and kinda of more about the timeline as we bounced back and forth from Mana telling her story to Ayesha in present time. At times the story may have been confusing at some points but... I'm going to hold off and give a proper explanation and my thoughts on the story next week or later in the week.  So if you have any questions look forward to a later post in regards to the story so I can clear some things up or just give you all my thoughts.




aww is this really the end


Amazing work ! But please do a filler of iris and maya, I want to see them become like Gina and Alex. The Boberry vibe of Iris is such a thing


Time to crank up the fattening again hope it’s a mural gaining


The jumping back and forth was a bit confusing for sure. I'm honestly still not entirely in picture. Btw. when you're finished, what will we get on that day instead?


Iris has got to be pretty immobile at this point. Great job on the comic!


This makes no sense when the last page clearly states thats where she wanted to be now shes not where wanted to be.